Benutzer Diskussion:Saldatravel
Deine Benutzerseite
Hallo, ich habe den Inhalt deiner Benutzerseite gelöscht, da er gegen unsere Konventionen für Benutzerseiten verstößt. Nimm das bitte nicht persönlich, aber Wikipedia ist kein Anbieter von kostenlosen Webseiten, die zur Eigendarstellung, Werbung, als Linkcontainer oder Publizierung von unenzyklopädischen Texten dienen. Du darfst die Benutzerseite gerne wieder anlegen, solltest dir aber vorher unbedingt die Konventionen aufmerksam durchlesen. Um einen Artikel anzulegen ist es besser eine Benutzerunterseite zu erstellen. Gruß und frohes Schaffen. —Regi51 (Disk.) 16:44, 6. Jul. 2020 (CEST)
Welcome to Wikipedia
Hello, and welcome to Wikipedia. Unfortunally I have to tell you that Lake Salda National Park as been or will shortly be deleted from Wikipedia. This will be done for the following reasons:
- You added the text to the german Wikipedia, but the text is in english. Please only contribute in german here. the english Wikipedia can be found at You could theoretically take your username and go over, howewer, the english Version of Wikipedia doesnt allows names soely consisting of a company name.
- Thhe text appears to be copied & pasted from elsewhere. Do not copy material from elsewhere. Material found elsewhere is almost never licensed compatibly with Wikipedia, and even then are most texts not siutable for an encyclopedia for other reasons. Therefore, it would be pointless to go the way over WP:OTRS to relicense that in an acceptable way.
- The text lacks any form of source. Verifiability is a core principle on Wikipedia, to ensure Wikipedia readers can always fin out where information come from. We prefer secondary resources over primary ones because it is theoretically possible for anyone to create a website and dump some stuff in there
- Wikipedia wants to maintain a neutral point of view. We neither "spread the word" nor we "generate awareness" or directly influence readers in any other way. Wikipedia readers are encouraged to build their own opinion based on the article, the sources ppresent, and possibly their own research.
Minor points that would not cause deletion, but apply as well:
- The text contains not a single link to other articles. On Wikipedia, links are used to link to other articles where further explanation might be required, but doing so in the same article would break the limits. Its not needed to link each word (WP:BLUE) but a plain black text is certainly not the best choise
Victor Schmidt Was auf dem Herzen? 17:30, 6. Jul. 2020 (CEST)
Dein Importwunsch zu en:Lake Salda
Hallo Saldatravel,
dein Importwunsch ist erfüllt worden. Es wurde folgende Seite angelegt:
Viel Spaß wünscht Minérve aka Elendur 04:11, 7. Jul. 2020 (CEST)