Diskussion:Norges Bank

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Warum steht auf einem 50-Kronen-Schein (von 1986) "Noregs Bank" und auf einem 100er "Norges Bank" drauf? Druckfehler? (nicht signierter Beitrag von (Diskussion) 13:55, 1. Nov. 2014 (CET))

Wohl Wechsel von Nynorsk ( → nn:Noregs Bank) zu Bokmål ( → no:Norges Bank) oder eher umgekehrt. --Lars 21:39, 1. Nov. 2014 (CET)

2020, chief of the bank and controversy regarding NBIM ("Olje-fondet")

  • chief of the bank, Øystein Olsen, has hired,
  • Nicolai Tangen, as chief of NBIM ("olje-fondet"). Tangen has not had his first day at work: there is a hearing in parliament that starts on August 9;
    Olsen and/ or Tangen could lose their jobs soon.

Media wrote:

  • Sitat: "Sentralbanksjef Øystein Olsen has created problems for himself and for Norges Bank, by hiring Nicolai Tangen as the new chief of Oljefondet (NBIM). [...] Olsen must give answers at [a hearing on August 10 9] in Parliament.
    Quelle: [1] VG, August 8; journalist: Hanne Skartveit. Sju hav (Diskussion) 16:20, 8. Aug. 2020 (CEST)/ Sju hav (Diskussion) 08:06, 9. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • Sitat: "While there was uproar in May 2020, regarding the hiring of the new chief for Oljefondet, sentralbanksjef Øystein Olsen requested a seperate meeting with the leader of representantskapet of Norges Bank (Julie Brodtkorb) - without all the members supposed to be present".
    Brodtkorb declined such a meeting.
    Quelle: [2] VG, August 07. Sju hav (Diskussion) 16:46, 8. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • Sitat: "Julie Brodtkorb accuses, during the hearing in parliament, Norges Bank for a possible breach of the law, sentralbankloven". August 10.
    Quelle: [3] VG. Journalists: Eirik Røsvik et. al. (nicht signierter Beitrag von Sju hav (Diskussion | Beiträge) 13:09, 10. Aug. 2020 (CEST))
  • Sitat: "Then he received a phone call from [Finance Minister Jan Tore Sanner, ] statsråden [... and Sanner] started and also ended the conversation with "Now I have expressed my concern", says Olsen". August 10.
    Quelle: [4] VG. Journalists: Eirik Røsvik et al. Sju hav (Diskussion) 18:05, 10. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • Sitat: "– I believe that the univocal conclusion of the political party SV, is that Nicolai Tangen does not have our confidence. We believe that the Finance Ministry and the finance minister must interfere in this job-hiring, says Kaski [, the finance-political spokesperson of SV]." August 10.
    Quelle: [5] VG. Journalists: Bjørn Haugan et al. Sju hav (Diskussion) 18:19, 10. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • Sitat: «Norges Bank has not followed offentlighetsloven during the process of hiring».
    ... «Tangen's continued ownership of Ako Capital, differs from what every other employee of Oljefondet, is permitted to do». August 10.
    Quelle: [6] The editorial in Klassekampen, by Mari Skurdal. 18:45, 10. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • Sitat: "Julie Brodtkorb and Øystein Olsen are clearly on seperate planets. The finance politicians in parliament, can not believe both persons. They must choose one of them". August 10.
    Quelle: [7] VG. Journalist: Hanne Skartveit. Sju hav (Diskussion) 19:09, 10. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • Mai 28. Sitat: "This was not a wonderful day. It was a meltdown. The toughest thing to evaluate now, is if Norges Bank is arrogant, or only removed-from-reality".
    Quelle: [8] Dagbladet. Journalist: Geir Ramnefjell. Sju hav (Diskussion) 20:32, 10. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • Sitat: "If it was not a character assasination today of sentralbanksjef Øystein Olsen, then at least it was a total slaughter of the process regarding the hiring of the new chief of Oljefondet". August 10.
    Quelle: [9] Dagbladet. Journalist: Geir Ramnefjell. Sju hav (Diskussion) 20:38, 10. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • Sitat: "They must have become so blinded by the man's impressive background and ability to make money, that they took several controversial shortcuts, and set aside rules and principles, to put the man in position in one of the country's most important jobs"... "If Olsen [resigns or] leaves, then so will Tangen". August 10.
    Quelle: [10] Dagsavisen. Commentator: Arne Strand. Sju hav (Diskussion) 20:53, 10. Aug. 2020 (CEST)/ Sju hav (Diskussion) 20:56, 10. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • Sitat: "Norges Bank did not include Tangen on the list of applicants - not even anonymously - as the law (offentlighetsloven) demands. Law-breaking, concludes several law-experts". August 10.
    Quelle: [11] Dagens Næringsliv. Journalist: Åshild Langved et al. Sju hav (Diskussion) 21:14, 10. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • Norway Wealth Fund’s Watchdog Says New CEO Deal Still Faulty. August 10. Bloomberg.com. Sju hav (Diskussion) 21:55, 10. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • Sitat: "Jurist og innsynsekspert Kristine Foss i Norsk Presseforbund er kritisk til at Aftenposten/E24 nektes innsyn. Hun mener også at dette helt klart er en type samtale som skal protokollføres". August 11.
    Quelle: [12] E24.no . Journalist: Ole Alexander Saue - Aftenposten. Sju hav (Diskussion) 20:17, 11. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • [Professor-of-law (Jan Fridtjof Bernt) says that the Minister of Finance can get rid of Tangen: Can choose a reversal]
    "Jusprofessor seier finansministeren kan vrake Tangen: Kan velje å snu". August 13.
    Quelle: Klassekampen. S. 9. Journalist: Oda Heggedal Longvastøl. 06:07, 14. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • [Arbeiderpartiet has decided: Tangen's conflict-of-interest can not be unified with leading Oljefondet]
    "Ap har bestemt seg: Tangens interessekonflikter ikke forenelig med å lede Oljefondet". August 14.
    Quelle: [13] VG.no. Journalists: Eirik Røsvik et al. Sju hav (Diskussion) 14:54, 14. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • Sitat: "

"... in March [Tangen said] that he would cut all ties to Aco. That did not happen. [...]. If the majority in parliament, formulate a demand regarding eliminating risk [not only reducing risk], then the finance minister has no choice but to follow up". August 15.
Quelle: [14]. Editorial in Klassekampen, by Mari Skurdal. 08:44, 17. Aug. 2020 (CEST)

  • One of the parties in the Cabinet, KrF, will take a position (during a group meeting) in regard to the Tangen Case, during the beginning of this week, according to NRK. August 16.
    Quelle: [15] NRK. Sju hav (Diskussion) 09:03, 17. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • Sitat: "If Coolbet opens another round of bets on Tangen [...] . Even I can not bet money - that he will be forced to resign, while at the same time I encourage (in the newspaper), his resignation. This would create a conflict-of-interest in which you the reader wonders if I am writing this to increase my own chances of earning money. Such an uncertainty is not acceptable - not in the press and not in management of Oljefondet. That should be obvious." August 14.
    Quelle: [16] E24. Writer: Anne Rokkan, commentator in Bergens Tidende. Sju hav (Diskussion) 09:27, 17. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • Sitat: "[...] professor of finance at BI Norwegian Business School Richard Priestley.
    - Nicolai Tangen will have a conflict-of-interest every time Oljefondet buys or sells [... shares in companies where AKO Capital also has shares]. [...] . None of the so-called secure systems of Norges Bank, can ensure that Nicolai Tangen will not be checking the positions of Ako Capital - positions which are available thru internet, says Halvor Hoddevik". August 15.
    Quelle: Klassekampen. «Kjem i uunngåelig skvis». Pp. 10-11. Journalist: Oda Heggedal Longvastøl. 10:37, 17. Aug. 2020 (CEST)/ 10:45, 17. Aug. 2020 (CEST)/ 10:49, 17. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • Sitat: "The new chief of Oljefondet (Nicolai Tangen) and his British hedgefund will be in (British) court and defending what experts call agressive tax planning [ "tax aggressive - en.wiki" ]. Such has been claimed to breach policies of Norway and policies of Oljefondet. Tangen can earn 300 million Norwegian Kroner. [...].
    – No, answers Tangen, when VG asks if the arrangement of the bonuses is to be viewed as aggressive tax planning". August 17.
    Quelle [17]. VG. Journalists: Eiliv Frich Flydal et al. 13:30, 17. Aug. 2020 (CEST)/ 13:36, 17. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • Sitat: "[Including] the position of KrF, that means there is now a majority in parliament, that has expressed criticism towards the hiring of Tangen". August 17.
    Quelle: [18] NRK. Journalists: Maria Gran et al. Sju hav (Diskussion) 21:44, 17. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • "Asking Norges Bank to, in practice, fold. Norges Bank must either admit to mistakes, or stop the hiring of Nicolai Tangen". August 17.
    Quelle: [19] Dagbladet. Journalist: Geir Ramnefjell. Sju hav (Diskussion) 22:21, 17. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • Sitat: "– Tangen challenges the rules for his own financial gain. More and more information is surfacing that shows that he is not frank enough. That is not the kind of chief that Oljefondet should have, says [MP] Ketil Kjenseth.
    – The process of hiring has started in the wrong end. Oljefondet depends on several important principles - Oljefondet does not depend on one person. [...]. Sentralbanksjef Øystein Olsen should find [another job, or] something different to do, and bring Nicolai Tangen along, says Kjenseth". August 18.
    Quelle: [20] VG. Journalists: Eiliv Frich Flydal et al. Sju hav (Diskussion) 11:55, 18. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • Senterpartiet (Sp) will not support the suggestion of KrF, according to MP Trygve Slagsvold Vedum. August 18.
    Quelle: [21] VG. Journalists: Bjørn Haugan et al. Sju hav (Diskussion) 16:38, 18. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • "[Prime Minister] Erna refuses to answer, regarding if Tangen will become the chief of Oljefondet. August 18.
    Quelle: [22] Dagbladet. Journalist: Jørgen Gilbrant. Sju hav (Diskussion) 16:48, 18. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • Sitat: "No one seems to be able to touch the man that is supposed to manage the money that we together own, Oljefondet. Not parliament. Not the Cabinet. That means that the person who controls our savings, is outside democratic control". August 19.
    Quelle: [23] VG; commentator: Hanne Skartveit. Sju hav (Diskussion) 10:11, 19. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • Sitat: "FrP now joins the red-green parties in parliament, creating a majority so that finance minister Sanner must immediately engage in talks with Norges Bank to solve the Oljefond Affair". August 19.
    Quelle: [24] VG. Journalists: Alf Bjarne Johnsen et al. Sju hav (Diskussion) 16:49, 19. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • Sitat: "The fear ist that Oljefondet will become a «state within the state»". August 19.
    Quelle: [25] Dagsavisen. Writers: Sigrid Klæboe Jacobsen (Daglig leder in Tax Justice Network - Norway); Peter Ringstad (political advisor, Tax Justice Network – Norway. Sju hav (Diskussion) 11:25, 21. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • The finance minister expects to summon the chief of Norges Bank, for a meeting this afternoon; the board-of-directors (Hovedstyret) of the bank, is expected to be summoned (also) this afternoon, according to kommunikasjonsrådgiver Kristina Storeng (at the Ministry of Finance)". August 21.
    Quelle: [26]. VG; journalist: Alf Bjarne Johnsen. Sju hav (Diskussion) 13:57, 21. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • The chief of Norges Bank, met with the finance minister today (August 21), after being summoned by the minister. Sju hav (Diskussion) 18:38, 21. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • The board-of-directors expectedly will convene on August 24. (No references yet, regarding the board-of-directors convening (also) on August 21.) Sju hav (Diskussion) 18:38, 21. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • (The board-of-directors have started their meeting today; media has observed board-members arriving for the meeting, but (the) media has not seen if Tangen has arrived. (Olsen said [3 days ago] on Friday, that Tangen would be at the meeting.)) | August 24 after 3 PM.
    Quelle: [27] VG; journalists Eiliv Frich Flydal et al. Sju hav (Diskussion) 17:08, 24. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • Press conference (Norges Bank), 24 August at 7 PM.
    Quelle: [28] VG. Sju hav (Diskussion) 17:48, 24. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • Tangen now has plans to transfer his shares regarding the ownership of the Ako Foundation [or Aco Foundation]; According to the press conference, one expects that Tangen will start work on September 1.
    Quelle: [29] VG (August 24); journalists: Ingvild Silseth et al. Sju hav (Diskussion) 19:17, 24. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • (version from April 22): Who suggested (originally), Tangen as a candidate for the job? No one is sure.
    Quelle: [30]. Sju hav (Diskussion) 13:14, 25. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • April 21. "[Tangen, or] Oljefond-Tangen flew in the elite of Norway for [a] 9 million [Norwegian-] kroner concert and super-conference".
    Quelle: [31] VG.no; journalists: Bjørn Haugan et al. Sju hav (Diskussion) 19:26, 25. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • August 24. Sitat: "Professor of Law, Beate Sjåfjell at the University of Oslo opines that it is important that the representantskap of Norges Bank scrutinises the contract (avtaleverket) when it comes.
    – What sort of ties should Tangen have with the foundation? Who will manage the foundation? The board-of-directors of the foundation, ought not to have a close relationship with Tangen, Stålfjell said to Dagens Næringsliv.
    All the members of the board-of-directors in AKO Foundation have at present, close ties to Tangen, according to the current agreement with Norges Bank. On the board-of-directors of AKO, sits Henrik Syse, who has been a friend of Tangen for many years; other board members are Tangen's colleagues David Woodburn and Nicola Staples".
    Quelle: [32] NTB via E24. Sju hav (Diskussion) 21:17, 25. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • August 26. "Tangen exiting Ako Capital. Still possible conflicts-of-interest, says lawyer. Working on a new [contract, or] agreement".
    Quelle: [33] Klassekampen; journalists: Jonas Bergvall Henmo et al. 11:39, 26. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • "[... Tangen's retreat on August 24 when], "he transferred ownership from Ako Capital to Ako Foundation [...] is not unproblematic. Tangen will still have [an] interest in Ako Capital performing at its best in capital markets (kapitalmarkedet) because ownership [...] has been transferred to the foundation that the billionaire «for all practical purposes» controls. «Verdi-utviklingen of the stake of ownership, can still influence his decisions he takes as leader of Oljefondet, according to the interview with economist and lawyer, Gøril Bjerkan - in today's newspaper.
    Quelle: [34] Klassekampen; editorial by Bjørgulv Braanen. August 26. 12:04, 26. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • June 2. "To these recipients goes Tangen's charity money: [...] Until now, money has gone to «Tangen Hall» at Wharton School in the USA, refurbishing Freud's sofa, and cooperation with Jamie Oliver and the boss of Harley-Davidson".
    Quelle: [35] E24.no; journalist: Kjetil Malkenes Hovland. Sju hav (Diskussion) 19:20, 26. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • August 26. "[...] when he «breaks all ties». Persons with close ties to chief of Oljefondet, Tangen, are ready to take over control of the assets [worth] billions, in Ako Capital, when the new solution is supposed to be implemented during fall this year".
    Quelle: [36] Vg.no; journalists: Alf Bjarne Johnsen et al. Sju hav (Diskussion) 19:29, 26. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • Sitat: "After having been presented in March [...], as a new chief of Oljefondet, VG exposed the so-called elite-conference. The conference in itself, [was the cause of, or] received moderate [amount of] criticism [...] . Unknown to the public, the Finance Minister [...] was already «concerned» about the hiring". August 26.
    Quelle: [37] Dagbladet.no; writers: the editorial board. Sju hav (Diskussion) 13:15, 27. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • The Finance Department edited the advice, that a private law firm gave to the Finance Department.
    Sitat: "Klassekampen [Zeitung] has asked the Finance Minister ... why there has been such written communication [from the Ministry of Finance], when the results have been presented as advice from an external source.
    [...] . «I am becoming less and less impressed with the role of [... the Finance Minister] and his Ministry, in the handling of Norges Bank», Hadia Tajik writes in an e-mail to Klassekampen. She calls it a bestillings-verk.
    [... The finance-political spokesperson of SV, Kari Elisabeth Kaski says that]
    – It has been an attempt by [the Finance Minister] to at best, smoke-screen his possibility to act, and it is an attempt to pull the wool over [parliament's or] our eyes, says Kaski". August 28.
    Quelle: [38] Klassekampen; journalists, Andreas Haakonsen and Jonas Bergvall Henmo. 13:31, 28. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • Mai 9. Sitat: "Mossack Fonseca was the centre of the Panama Papers scandal. Tangen used the company, for his yacht, but says that he did not know about the client-[or business-]relationship.
    Norwegisch: "Mossack Fonseca var i sentrum av Panama-papirene-skandalen. Nicolai Tangen brukte firmaet til luksusyachten sin, men sier han ikke visste om kundeforholde".
    Quelle: Klassekampen. S. 8; journalists: Petter Slaatrem Titland und Jonas Bergvall Henmo. 15:21, 28. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • Mai 9. Sitat: "New stories come to the front, while other are coming to a close. And at that moment Nicolai Tangen has his first day of work as chief for Oljefondet, then that will be [... the end] of the story about the egalitary/egalitarian Norway".
    Norwegisch: "Nye fortellinger vinner frem, mens andre nærmer seg slutten. Og i det øyeblikket Nicolai Tangen tiltrer sin nye jobb som sjef for det norske oljefondet, er det definitivt snipp, snapp, snute for eventyret om det egalitære Norge".
    Quelle: (paywall) Klassekampen. S. 3. Commentator: Sandra Lillebø. 15:40, 28. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • Sitat: "– [The Finance Mininstry, or] They have used money of the tax payers and [then] gave the impression that they have received an independent evaluation, without that being what has happened [...]", said Benedikte Moltumyr Høgberg [a law professor at Universitetet i Oslo ].
    Quelle [39] (29. August): Klassekampen. S. 6; Journalists: Andreas Haakonsen et al. 06:45, 30. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • Serie. Ny oljefondsjef−Kan milliardær Nikolai Tangen være sjef i oljefondet, eller er interessekonfliktene for store?. Klassekampen.no. 07:01, 30. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • "New employment contract (will) not (be) ready before Tangen starts work as chief of Oljefondet (, on September 1)".
    Quelle: [40] NRK (August 31); journalists: Emilie Louise Solberg et al. Sju hav (Diskussion) 17:11, 31. Aug. 2020 (CEST)
  • Sitat: "when parliament opens in the beginning of October, [... the members] will convene to debate the employment contract". September 4.
    Quelle: [41] Vg.no; journalists Bjørn Haugan et al. Sju hav (Diskussion) 17:25, 5. Sep. 2020 (CEST)