
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie

7 Jahre alte POV-Darstellung entfernt

Diff, dennoch könnte diese Änderung noch ergänzt werden. Ich stecke aber nicht tief genug in der Materie, um folgende Erwiderung zur letzten genannten Kritik in der selben Quelle passend einzubauen. Es ist darin die Rede von "newer versions of the model":

A few comments can be made on these critiques. The risk of shifting the blame towards the managers has been clearly acknowledged by J. Reason and newer versions of the model do not refer to ‘unsafe decisions’ or managerial failures but rather to organisational features. The fact that front line operators’ slips sometimes fully accounts for the accident scenario does not mean that it explains the accident from a safety management perspective, and that ‘fixing’ the operator therefore is the right safety management strategy. The fact that deterministic causal connection between latent conditions and accidents cannot easily be identified (particularly before the event), does not rule out that efficient prevention policy can be based on addressing latent conditions.


--Amtiss, SNAFU ? 18:14, 24. Feb. 2021 (CET)