aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Vorlagenprogrammierung | Diskussionen | Lua | Test | Unterseiten | |||
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Diese Seite enthält Code in der Programmiersprache Lua. Einbindungszahl Cirrus
--[=[ 2019-11-01
Multilingual/maintain -- data source maintainenance issues
local MLM = { }
local fill = function ( assembly, access, assign, adjust )
-- Attach submodule
-- Precondition:
-- assembly -- table
-- access -- submodule title
-- assign -- component name
-- adjust -- language code, or false
-- Postcondition:
-- Returns table with additional components
-- Throws error, if not available
local lucky, got = pcall( require,
"Module:Multilingual/" .. access )
local r = assembly
local elem, part
if type( got ) == "table" then
for series, collection in pairs( got ) do
if adjust and series ~= adjust then
elseif type( series ) == "string" then
if type( collection ) == "table" then
series = series:lower()
part = r[ series ]
if type( part ) ~= "table" then
r[ series ] = { }
part = r[ series ]
for k, v in pairs( collection ) do
k = k:lower()
elem = part[ k ]
if type( elem ) ~= "table" then
part[ k ] = { }
elem = part[ k ]
elem[ assign ] = v
end -- for k, v
elseif series:sub( 1, 1 ) ~= "#" then
got = string.format( "Multilingual/%s invalid at %s",
access, series )
error( got, 0 )
got = string.format( "Multilingual/%s bad key type %s",
access, type( series ) )
error( got, 0 )
end -- for in, collection
return r
end -- fill()
local first = function ( a1, a2 )
-- Sort obeying hyphen
-- Precondition:
-- a1 -- first string
-- a2 -- second string
-- Postcondition:
-- Returns true when a1 is less than a2
local n1 = a1:find( "-", 1, true )
local n2 = a2:find( "-", 1, true )
local r
if n1 then
if n2 then
local s1 = a1:sub( 1, n1 )
local s2 = a2:sub( 1, n2 )
if s1 == s2 then
r = ( a1:sub( n1 ) < a2:sub( n2 ) )
r = ( s1 < s2 )
r = ( a1:sub( 1, n1 ) < a2 )
elseif n2 then
r = ( a1 < a2:sub( 1, n2 ) )
r = ( a1 < a2 )
return r
end -- first()
MLM.fetchLanguageNames = function ( ask, amount )
-- Make wikitable of language names in a certain language
-- Precondition:
-- ask -- code of requested language
-- amount -- kind of extension
-- Postcondition:
-- Returns wikitext string
local codes = { }
local scope = amount or "mw"
local slang = ask or "native"
local collection = mw.language.fetchLanguageNames( slang, scope )
local mwdef, n, r, s
for k, v in pairs( collection ) do
table.insert( codes, k )
end -- for k, v
n = #codes
table.sort( codes, first )
if amount == "all" then
local mwfile = mw.language.fetchLanguageNames( slang, "mwfile" )
mwdef = mw.language.fetchLanguageNames( slang, "mw" )
for k, v in pairs( mwdef ) do
if mwfile[ k ] then
s = "mw file"
s = "mw"
mwdef[ k ] = s
end -- for k, v
r = "{| class='wikitable sortable'\n" ..
string.format( "|+ '''<code>%s</code>''' (%s)\n",
slang, scope ) ..
"|-\n" ..
"! Code !! Name\n"
if mwdef then
r = r .. "! Scope\n"
for i = 1, n do
s = codes[ i ]
r = string.format( "%s|-\n|<code>%s</code>||%s\n",
r, s, collection[ s ] )
if mwdef then
s = mwdef[ s ]
if s then
r = string.format( "%s| %s\n", r, s )
end -- for i
r = string.format( "%s|}\n%d items\n\n",
r, n )
return r
end -- MLM.fetchLanguageNames()
MLM.forward = function ( args )
-- Make wikitable of maintainenance issues
-- Precondition:
-- args -- table of options
-- lack -- show missing CLDR definitions
-- leap -- show open issues only
-- learnt -- show superfluous local entries only
-- slang -- limit to particular language
-- Postcondition:
-- Returns wikitext string
local codes = { }
local pars = args or { }
local leap = ( pars.leap and pars.leap ~= "0" )
local learnt = ( pars.learnt and pars.learnt ~= "0" )
local slang = ( pars.slang and pars.slang ~= "" )
local slice = "%s|-\n" ..
local r = "{| class='wikitable sortable'\n" ..
"|-\n" ..
"! In !! For !! Suggested !! @MW !! @CLDR !! ToDo\n"
local data = fill( { }, "names", "shift", slang )
local elem, series, server, shift, single, state, super, tupel
data = fill( data, "cldr", "super", slang )
for series, collection in pairs( data ) do
part = data[ series ]
for k, v in pairs( collection ) do
table.insert( codes,
string.format( "%s %s", series, k ) )
v.server = mw.language.fetchLanguageName( k, series )
end -- for k, v
end -- for in, collection
table.sort( codes, first )
for i = 1, #codes do
tupel = mw.text.split( codes[ i ], " ", true )
series = tupel[ 1 ]
single = tupel[ 2 ]
elem = data[ series ][ single ]
shift = elem.shift or ""
server = elem.server or ""
super = elem.super or ""
if not elem.super then
if shift == server then
state = "Upstream"
state = "Learn"
elseif server ~= super then
if shift == super then
state = "CLDR"
elseif elem.shift then
state = "Proposal"
elseif series == "en" then
state = "Conflict"
state = mw.language.fetchLanguageName( single, "en" )
if server == state then
state = false
state = "Conflict"
elseif elem.shift then
if shift == server then
state = "Discard"
state = "Proposal"
state = false
if state then
r = string.format( slice,
series, single, shift, server, super,
state )
end -- for i
r = r .. "|}\n\n"
return r
end -- MLM.forward()
-- Export
local p = { }
p.fetchLanguageNames = function ( frame )
-- Make wikitable of language names in a certain language
-- 1 -- code of requested language
-- 2 -- kind of extension
return MLM.fetchLanguageNames( frame.args[ 1 ], frame.args[ 2 ] )
--forward class="wikitable sortable"
end -- p.fetchLanguageNames
p.forward = function ( frame )
-- Make wikitable of maintainenance issues
-- leap -- show open issues only
-- learnt -- show superfluous local entries only
-- slang -- limit to particular language
return MLM.forward( frame.args )
end -- p.forward
p.MLM = function ()
return MLM
end -- p.MLM
return p