Benutzer Diskussion:Flacus/Wikipedia Interwiki-Link-Checker/en

aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie

Languages: af - ca - da - de - en - eo - es - eu - fi - fr - hu - it - la - nl - pl - pt - sr - sv
I can't keep the FAQ up to date in every language. Can you please look for it ?

Download the IWLC-Toolbar

Some remarks

Some remarks after playing around:

  • I encounter many disambiguation pages in the nl: wikipedia, even though the system tells me these are screened.
  • It is not clear to me when to use the "redirect" and "disambiguation" buttons in the site.
  • It looks to me that it would be possible to draw the conclusion automatically when an identical interwiki link is found in the two of a pair.

Good work. I will try to come back sometimes. Rob Hooft 21:10, 22. Jul 2005 (CEST)

Hi ! Thanks for testing. I think a great bot neads great other tools ;-)

  • perhaps the
    search for disambiguation pages was not the right string.
  • when one of the sides is a redirect make it , the other user wount vote another time. The lemma is tagged in the

database and with the next version of my tool , there is an option to check only redirect.

  • same for disambiguation. Put the button there to seperate and tag for later use.
  • i think about it .. how to start the bot via php ? perhaps its better to wait a time and bot only if all is rated ?

I dont want to add today a link to one language .. and do the same the other day .. at the moment i think once a weak is a good time. --Flacus 23:22, 22. Jul 2005 (CEST)


  • {{dp}} should be right. All of the disambiguation pages presented to me through your web interface have a reference to this message.
  • Thanks, I will use the buttons as much as possible
  • I don't think you understand what I did mean. I just came to the page fr:Sachsenhausen/nl:Sachsenhausen. Both have interwiki links to en:Sachsenhausen (detention camp). My impression is that drawing the automatic conclusion that the nl: and fr: pages are about the same subject would be quite safe. This could save ~50% in the size of the database!

Keep up the improvements! Rob Hooft 14:15, 23. Jul 2005 (CEST)

  1. One more thing: for every decision I now have to click my mouse twice: first the decision, and then the submit. Would it be possible to make 6 submitbuttons instead? Rob Hooft 14:43, 23. Jul 2005 (CEST)
  2. Ok i see the problem with the :en.Link. The two languages are framed by me .. i dont have the sql-database here .. so i dont know the content of the page.

But .. if you can tell me how i use python-bot to find out ...i need a option to get an info from the live-wiki about the links of every articel .. perhapy a new .. i start it from php .. give two languages and one lemma and get back a yes or no.

  • how to code 6-different submit buttons in html-Form ? --Flacus 03:03, 24. Jul 2005 (CEST)


I just added a very rough robot for something like this to the robot-suite, it is called And about the buttons: says that a button has a value. You can specify multiple submit buttons in a single form, each with their own value. Rob Hooft 20:09, 24. Jul 2005 (CEST)
Ok many many thanks. now i only have to find out how to combine php and python ;-) . But first i will look for the buttons. --Flacus 05:01, 25. Jul 2005 (CEST)
These buttons would be great! The idea crossed my mind also, but Rob was faster ;-) Mdangers 15:53, 25. Jul 2005 (CEST)
ok tryed it .. it only works with input-buttons. ok but the Buttons are a little big and the Text of the bottons must be the value the buttons should transmit.
 <td><input type=\"Radio\" name=\"Abfrage\" value=\"6\">".$BKL1."</td>
 <td><input type=\"Radio\" name=\"Abfrage\" value=\"1\">".$YES."</td>
  <td><INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" name=\"Abfrage\" value=\"3\">TEST!!!</td>

This works but i need smaller buttons and the $BKL should be the text inside the button. pse help ;-) --Flacus 18:49, 25. Jul 2005 (CEST)

Hard to find the right pair

Now that so many languages are listed, it is difficult to find the right combination when the list is sorted by date. I would like the list sorted by language so I more easily can find the pair I want to engage in. /RaSten 12:51, 28. Jul 2005 (CEST)

& symbol in article title

Hi! nice tool (though I still trying to figure out the percentage calculation :o)

I noticed that in some reason this tool get's lost when there is article which title consists "&" symbol e.g. "Emerson, Lake & Palmer" (es - fi for example), it accepts the vote but actually nothing it is not saved, doesn't appear in "last changes" and comes after some time again for voting. I wish I could tell the way to get over it, but unfortunately don't know it, maybe there's something related that it is "special symbol", anyway just letting you know when you are looking for places to develope :o) All the best --TarmoK 18:02, 29. Jul 2005 (CEST)

Solved the % problem this morning .. typeing error. Selected articel is not the same as artikel need to be vote.

%-Calc-Example :

1000 Artikel total :

300 voted one time 200 voted two time 100 voted one time

so you have a total of 300+(200*2 times vote) +3*100 = 900 votes. 1000 lemma need a total of 1000*3=3000 votes ..

so all user have done 900/3000= 30% . You see ?

But wenn you have 300+200+100=600 lemma there are 400 never votet. So the selected artikel will be 400 + a selected part of the 600 other.

Revoting is only possible after one week .. so you will probabli never get the same articel twice ..

--Flacus 18:19, 29. Jul 2005 (CEST)

thanks for explanation. Just for curiosity, did I understand correctly that if one round is done, then the language combination is "offline" for x number of days? so if we say this x=1week, then it takes 3weeks to get results of one language combination? --TarmoK 16:55, 3. Aug 2005 (CEST)
Regarding symbols like "&", "'" and other special characters. We had this problem before in en-de, and as a workaraound, those articles were moved out of the database. IMHO, it should be done again, Flacus, untill you have got the time to work the real problem out (maybe even somebody else knows about it).

Another thing: In small databases, maybe a week until revoting is too long as people are waiting for database to refill and get less motivated?!? --Mdangers 11:33, 30. Jul 2005 (CEST)

I see both problems. Perhaps the time to redisplay should be related to the size of the database. 3day fix + 500entry/database per day extra ? --Flacus 23:16, 30. Jul 2005 (CEST)
ok. 3d closure minimum regardless of database size is a good thing, less time could be problematic. The idea of size relation is brilliant also for middle and large sized databases, this way you don't really have to worry about doing anything everytime you insert a new language combination or new candidate articles. I think it's a good idea to start with +1d/500articles, if it doesn't sem to work, it can be changed later eventually

Cheers from sunny Hannover, I like the buttons, too! --Mdangers 11:26, 31. Jul 2005 (CEST)

Online with 5+($anzahl_daten/600) --Flacus 22:29, 31. Jul 2005 (CEST)
TarmoK : Yes it will take 3*5 days for small languages and 3*14 days for deen. but there are still a lot data online .. i diont like that one person can vote everything 3 time in 1 day. --Flacus 14:49, 8. Aug 2005 (CEST)

š symbol in article title

Hi again. :o) now I have another problematic(?) symbol: "š" like in Slobodan Miloševi and fi-fr, same story as above was with "&". just to let you know. Keep up good work --TarmoK 16:44, 3. Aug 2005 (CEST)

There was also a problem with Å on the Polish Wikipedia (?), it seemed that one of the pages didn't exist. Is the eight-bit ISO 8859-1 used for the URL encoding? --LA2 06:41, 23. Aug 2005 (CEST)
Yes, indeed, this is the case. When checking nn-pl and the article Bokmål, the URL for the right hand frame is where %E5 is the ISO 8859-1 (not UTF-8) encoding for "å". This is a bug in the link checker. --LA2 22:46, 23. Aug 2005 (CEST)

Is there an optimisation in place

I'm not sure this is optimised as it should: (Example) if the articles about Winston Churchill at en and no are about the same, and Winston Churchill at no and sv are marked as the same, will this lead to the implication that Winston Churchill at sv and Winston Churchill at en are the same? ✏ Sverdrup 04:37, 15. Aug 2005 (CEST)

In development. here. But i dont know how to programm it. --Flacus 08:34, 15. Aug 2005 (CEST)
Your test output made me think that sometimes interlanguage links are only one way, ie. wikiA links to wikiB but wikiB doesn't link to wikiA. The data in format enno would imply that there is a link from English to Norwegian and vice-versa, which often is not the case. Anyhow, here's an idea of an algorithm I thought of to combine everything.
Handling an article:
1. For each language (wiki), make a list of available interlanguage links [input]
2. Add a reference from each found language to each linked language
3. Make a list for all known languages by recursively following the references
4. Subtract existing interlanguage links from the lists [result]
5. Update with remaining lists
Example with previous case:
1. [input] en:no, no:sv (and perhaps not assuming two-way links, so no sv:no for example but yes no:en)
2. en-no, no-en, no-sv (two-way references)
3: en:nosv, no:ensv, sv:noen
4: en:sv, sv:no, sv:en [result]
How does it sound? It looks a bit complicated but it's not really. -- 02:08, 13. Nov 2005 (CET)
This would of course work only when all the interwiki links point to the same article, otherwise operator interaction is needed. en:User_talk:Yurik#Needle_.21.3D_Knitting_needle for example has some discussion about the problem. Anyhow, for some reason I like using the Interwiki-Link-Checker (thanks!), but when I see pages which could be linked automatically, it feels worthless doing it, unless of course the links have been added after the database dump. So, what I propose, is to give priority in your database for the articles that don't link anywhere and aren't linked to, so that the only thing in common between wikis is the name of the article. --Paradisal 19:46, 14. Nov 2005 (CET)

Suggested improvement

I have a suggestion that can easiest be shown by an example. Assume that I enter in IWLC that en:Amsterdam corresponds to nl:Amsterdam, and somebody else matches en:Amsterdam with de:Amsterdam, would it then be possible to automatically link nl:Amsterdam and de:Amsterdam as well? This would save a lot of work because most articles are checked between one language and english, and then automatically a lot of work (I think 75%) is avoided. nl:Gebruiker:Thijs!, 22:47, 16. Feb 2006 (CET)

Thx fpr your note. The Idea is not new .. but i dont know how to programm. But .. But after botting the two example above.. in the live

data there will be a nl-de connection. i have a cool that can check if a combinatiuon that the bot wants to do was done. With this programm i can also check all other kombinations with the name Amsterdam. This program-code is very new soo i will see the effects in the future .--Flacus 23:04, 16. Feb 2006 (CET)

Statistics-driven approach

Erik Zachte's Wikistats reports the number of articles and interwiki links. By computing the interwiki links-to-article count ratio, a measure can be found where the Interwiki-Link-Checker is most needed. Unfortunately, Wikistats hasn't been updated since May 2005. Perhaps the Checker can compile even more detailed statistics, e.g. for language pairs and not only for languages? Looking at the numbers below, it turns out that even the small languages have a fairly complete year-in-review system where each date and year (e.g. 1961) has 57 interwiki links. Maybe 50K iw links should be subtracted before computing the ratio. --LA2 09:23, 23. Aug 2005 (CEST)

 Numbers as of May 16, 2005:
 Language        English    German    Swedish   Nynorsk   Icelandic
 Articles          576 K     237 K      75 K      7.7 K       2.6 K
 iw links          506 K     422 K     190 K     81   K      51   K
 iw/article        0.87      1.78      2.53      10.51       19.61
 (iw-50k)/art      0.79      1.57      1.86       4.02        0.38
Wikistats are now updated again, but the most recent database dumps are from July, and German is missing. --LA2 13:38, 31. Aug 2005 (CEST)
 Numbers as of July 13, 2005:
 Language        English    German    Swedish   Nynorsk   Icelandic
 Articles          649 K       ?        88 K      9.0 K       2.8 K
 iw links          590 K       ?       255 K    105   K      62   K

new update using official article count and interwiki links
 Numbers as of December 30, 2005:
 Language        English    German    Swedish   Nynorsk   Icelandic
 Articles          830 K    330 K      121 K     12 K      8 K
 iw links          590 K    733 K      493 K    147 K      92 K

An Orthogonal Approach

Instead of checking all suggested pages in one pair of languages, it could be useful to let users check all languages for a certain title. I have been switching between many pairs of languages and I have dejavus all the time, since articles on Benin, Chewbacca, Chuck Berry, File Transfer Protocol, and Tux exist everywhere. Just give me the Tux articles in all languages, so I can finish them off before I continue with all the articles on Kenya. --LA2 02:34, 24. Aug 2005 (CEST)

I created the lists for Flacus and it would be no problem to produce a list of all languages I find a title in. The catch is the "find" - as I am not downloading the database for each and every language (currently I have dumps from about 30 languages), I can only find pages in the languages I downloaded and look at the iw links these pages have.
As I have seen, the pywikipedia bot has means to check for conflicting iw links, and these should really be checked before letting users vote on proposed links. Flacus and I are working on a way to use the information given by iw links we find in the articles. --SirJective 23:52, 26. Aug 2005 (CEST)


(1) It would be nice to have an "undo" button that goes back to the previous word pair. I made the mistake of indicating that Latin Petroleum = Danish Petroleum, but this was probably wrong since the Danes use this word to mean Kerosene. -- (2) It would also be nice to be able to follow a links (leading from the suggested page to the true synonym, e.g. from da:Petroleum to da:Råolie, in each frame above before clicking Yes, as a more intelligent alternative to clicking No. The question above the Yes/No buttons would then read "da:Råolie = la:Petroleum?" and this text needs to be updated when links are clicked in the frames above. --LA2 21:04, 26. Aug 2005 (CEST)

ad (2): I dont think it is easily possible (if at all) to watch the links you follow in the WP frames and update the control panel accordingly. Also as far as I know, the database scheme Flacus is using currently uses only one title for both articles (since the project was started for checking articles with identical titles). If Flacus manages to change his database again, we might even be able to give information like "de:Title is a redirect but its target is a good partner for en:Title".
The solution I use is: If I find a good iw partner for one of the given articles, I interlink them manually and click "No". This way I cannot prevent the pair from reappearing for another "No", but these articles will not reappear in an update of the lists because at least one of them now has an iw link. --SirJective 23:52, 26. Aug 2005 (CEST)
But the UNDO, it really would be very nice to have an Undo button. You could store the last pages acces in a cookie.

Does it ever end?

In the list I see a language pair with a "Selection" of 317 remaining pages. When I click to work on this, it turns out there are 492 pages remaining. Are pages added as we go? Or where do they come from? --LA2 10:53, 29. Aug 2005 (CEST)

i store the number of selected articel every time a user is active. If no one is active for a night the number will increase because there are now more articels reactive for the next voting.
I put a timestamp on an articel when it is voted. after 4+(Total articel/900) days the articel is in the list for revoting. And then you get one random out of the list. --Flacus 23:19, 29. Aug 2005 (CEST)
I see now that the description says a pair goes to the robot "if two (or three) or more wikipedians rate an article combination the same way". This seems to assume that different people take turns, which I doubt. I think I'm doing the same pairs over and over again. --LA2 11:47, 31. Aug 2005 (CEST)

Don't know button

It takes a while for don't know articles to reappear again. / Flacus

Omiš in de-hu

There is a problem with Omiš. We checked through the de-hu database, the last page is Omiš (Noch 1 datensatze), but we couldn't complete, because it brings up again and again Omiš. And the title under the frames is wrong: Both pages deal with the same subject OmiÅ¡ nagytibi

Done --Flacus 11:54, 27. Nov 2005 (CET)

Multiple tabs

I found that running the Checker on two or more tabs or windows makes the process much faster, when I don't need to wait for the pages to load. The database interface seems to be giving the words a bit strangely however; sometimes all the tabs get the same article, even when going to the next one. This of course happens in the end when there are not many pairs left for checking anymore, but also often at other times. Perhaps the words could be given in a round-robin fashion from a queue? --Paradisal 19:27, 14. Dez 2005 (CET)

Every user gets an random artikel out of a list ... so if you open 2 tabs you perhaps get the same artikel .. i think you use modem for access the internet .. perhaps you should disable images. any other user with the same problem ?
Yes, well I would like to have a preload, you could load the next pair while I'm deciding on the first.
Since a few days you can use the Tool in multible tabs. The lemma you get is blocked for 15min. ~~----


I just spent some hours today on fixing things in the EN-NL database, but the 'yes'-list appears totally empty. Does that mean I did all the work for nothing? Thijs! 02:07, 20. Feb 2006 (CET)

Where is the code

So where can I find the code .. as long as it is beta .. only user with zedler account will get the code ...


English has rasp and grater, which share a single word rasp in Dutch. Currently the Dutch page links to the English 'grater', which is dubious but not overtly wrong.

I don't know what IWL is appropriate in either direction for this sort of situation, but I'm not convinced the "Don't Know" button is the appropriate selection - I do know what each page is talking about, it's just that I need an "Er, it's more complicated than that" button. Hv 18:23, 3. Mär 2006 (CET)

I think the "Don't know" button means "I don't know wether these two articles should be interlinked" - and that seems to be the situation with these articles. Since the articles are partially interlinked, the bot operator stumbling over this article cluster will see the complication. :) --SirJective 17:11, 4. Mär 2006 (CET)

Google Analytics

Interwiki link checker calls , can you give me a reason for using a commercial company inside the wikipedia ? reg. Mion 07:58, 24. Mär 2006 (CET)

I believe it must be connected in some way to the google search box which is now (by my request, shame on me ;-)) situated in the right corner of the bottom frame. Of course, I do not know any specifics. People using the IWL seem to be very busy, in the last days, which is good :-). Greetings for Germany, --Mdangers 11:18, 24. Mär 2006 (CET)
Hi Mion ! I need infos about screenresolution. only for a wek or so. after one day i can say that 40% off all user using the tool with javascript switch on, and only these user goolge analytics can log, use 1024*768. but one day is not enough to see the real world. If you are afrait of using google-scripts and use Firefox i suggest you to add the line to the Adblock. If any other person with a googlemail-account wants to have access to the analytics data pse mail me. Perhaps there is sombody out there how can help me tuning the IWLC into a better tool !!--Flacus 14:27, 24. Mär 2006 (CET)
post scritum the google buttun with the searchfunction and the javascript are two different things .. the one is for transmitting the lemma to googel to get a search result .. the skript for getting infos about the systems a user use for developing a better Interface.

Just for a few weeks is fine with me, thanks Gr. mion 15:29, 24. Mär 2006 (CET)

Both sides where interlink since the last Dump

I'm currently encountering a lot of these checking nl-pl and nl-pt because someone appears to already have processed the records. Could you code up something so that I do not have to click 'cancel', 'F5'+'ENTER' or 'Get a new lemma' when this scenario occurs? It seriously harms my performance... 20:00, 2. Apr 2006 (CEST)

OK i made the page because some user will read both sides and vote ... but perhaps i should make a reload after 10sec ? With my laptop i move the mouse over the canel button ... and vote everything with the ALT-1/7 buttons ... cancel is pressed via the right mouse-button of my IBM. Or you can just vote the page with ALT-3 " I DONT KNOW" thats ok too ... --Flacus 23:34, 2. Apr 2006 (CEST)

Ok i fixed it :

 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \"http://      \">
 <script type=\"text/javascript\">
 echo "Both sides where interlink since the last Dump. Lemma is marked and will not be shown again.<a href="wiki.php?js=on" target="_top">Get a fresh lemma</a>

--Flacus 22:00, 3. Apr 2006 (CEST)

Some more remarks

For me, the Interwiki Link Checker is:

  1. a fascinating tool which (when it is working!), as well as providing for the "internationalization" of the WP project, often throws up interesting examples of relatively easily correctible errors and inconsistencies as between the various different-language WPs.
  2. one of the most infuriating tools in WP, because its creator keeps fiddling with it and breaking it! Or at least, that is how it comes across to this frustrated, distinctly non-technie, contributor.

Nearly every "improvement" to the tool seems to throw up deleterious side-effects. We get "something has changed" messages when things stop working, often with confusing and contradictory instructions about whether Javascript should or should not be enabled. Is the "something" that has changed really in the WP database, or is it the IWLC-Meister tinkering again? I would really appreciate knowing, before devoting any more time to the IWLC (and, as I have said, it is a very good tool when it is working) whether its creator genuinely sees it as something valuable for the improvement of WP, or whether he regards it more as an exercise in coding experiments.

Commenting here is perhaps not useful, since in my experience "it's not working" reports just get erased after a while without being answered (this has happened more than once to me and to others) -- but in case it may be of some use, here is my log of "the IWLC experience" as of today:

--Picapica 23:18, 7. Apr 2006 (CEST)

Hi Sorry i have to leave in 10 min and will be back on Monday. Just a very fast note from the developer.

First of all thanks for the help from everybody. Without the great USER out there the tool wouldnt work. Now to the flashing of the two-sides. Why is the page flashing and than another lemma apears ? As you can read in the diskussion above thats an improvement. The page is checked and if its allready-cross-interwiki-link you will get a frame-refresh. You should only see lemma NOT allready cross-link. so everey time the two sides flash be happy !! there is one lemma less to care about !!! The index-pt.html is the index.html in pt(Portuguese). If you dont speak the language go to the language-selection-Box and choose you language. If you like english you can bookmark the start-en.php. OK. i hope that helps a little bit. --Flacus 11:22, 8. Apr 2006 (CEST)

Freshly squeezed lemma

Hmm. Thanks for the reply, Flacus. I am afraid, however, that, despite its benign intent, flashing does not make me happy. Apart from simply being very irritating (I want to check links, not play video games!), I prefer to check even the already interlinked articles – because sometimes the interlinking is wrong (usually, I may say, as the result of intervention by other, "blind" bots that do not have the Interwiki Link Checker's supremely important feature of human verification).

I have finally found that a solution that works for me (using Firefox) is to turn Javascript off. This removes the flashing, enabling "already interlinked" articles to be checked, and, most importantly, restores button 5 which to me has the meaning: "both articles are already (correctly) interlinked". Please don't remove the option, for those of us that want it, of being able to verify interlinking.

On language matters:

  • I appreciate that index-pt.html is the index.html in pt(Portuguese). My question is: What was it doing on an English-language page? Especially since casually clicking on it forces the (partial) appearance of Portuguese thereafter (many, only slightly less "computerate" than myself, would give up at this point and find something else to do).
  • A side-effect of having to choose a language is that it messes up the statistical tables by, as far as I can see, always forcing combinations including the chosen language to the top of the columns. This partly negates the recent, welcome change of being able to sort numerically by column. Is it not possible to have a language-neutral log-on option for those, like me, who are interested in all language combinations?
  • I am sure you agree on the importance of a well presented "front end" to the IwLC, giving clear instructions and explanations especially to the interested visitor who is not au fait with techno-babble. I am not talking about translation matters here (Dein Englisch ist viel besser als mein Deutsch!) – they are not too difficult to put right – but my heart sinks whenever I see the use of words like "greps" in the general notes to users. What on earth does "grep" mean? At first I thought, unkindly, that this was a typo (because Germans typically pronounce "grab" as "grep"), but further research seems to indicate that it is a technical computer-programming term of some kind. But, if so, what is it doing on an introductory page for newcomers? Can this kind of cyber-speak (for those who want it) not be put somewhere where it will not frighten the horses?
  • The term "lemma", too, is excessively technical too, I feel. (By the way, in the lexicographical sense it is used here, its plural is more correctly "lemmata", not an invariable "lemma"). What we are comparing when using the IwLC is articles which share a title. Let's not complicate, and potentially confuse, matters by introducing this Greek word which is known to very few people without a professional interest in lexicography. And in any case, the phrase "You get a fresh lemma" sounds too much like "You get a fresh lemon" not to sound comical!

--Picapica 12:46, 8. Apr 2006 (CEST)

New language

What about Russian? --ajvol

Possibility of adding Lithuanian-English db?

Lithuanian language wiki just passed 30k articles. However there shouldn't be many possible lt-en "combinations" to check. E rulez 14:56, 6. Sep 2006 (CEST)

Now > 40k... E rulez 00:18, 15. Apr. 2007 (CEST)

Disamb pages

Hi Flacus, The tool improved a lot,great, a tip maybe, when a disamb page shows up, usually the page already contains the template {{Begriffsklärung}} and en:Template:2CCen:Template:3CC,en:Template:4CC which makes it easy, to let the program check for the presence of it and skip the lemma and the disamb page, go next, and saves the user work. (its still hard enough with 10.000 town articles). reg mion 23:06, 1. Okt 2006 (CEST)

Problem with the last match

I realised that newly the last lemmas never disappear from the IWLC. You can not even get to them. As soon as there is only one possible match left you only receive the No more data page at the start with the remark 1 remained and the langauges disappear from the list. As they get back you will have the same problem again. - Serinde 08:31, 19. Okt. 2006 (CEST)

Off button??/Suggestions for next version/Example of advertisement?

  • Seems to be designed for Wikipediholics -- I don't see any "exit" or "quit" button! Do you have to keep going until you're finished all the pages in that language combination, or are you supposed to close your browser window? "cancel" doesn't seem to work as an exit button, and anyway I'm afraid to click it because what if it deletes all the work I just did?
  • Suggestions for improvements for future versions (besides an "exit" button):
    • Load pages in the background while the person is reading and thinking, so that when they click "yes", the next pages appear immediately. (Alternatively, when loading is slow the user can switch back and forth between two browser windows; loading in the background would be more convenient, though.)
    • Allow the user to select categories they're interested in (or not): e.g. "show me only pages in the categories of Science and Music" or "show me any pages except Science or Music". That way each user can read pages they're more interested in (and knowledgeable about).
    • Use the inter-language synonyms in Wiktionary to find possibly matching pages.
  • How do you put up an advertisement? I have a link on my user page en:User:Coppertwig -- is that what you mean? Or is there a banner you can put up? The top of the page listing where advertisements have gone should tell how to make an advertisement: is it just a link to a certain page? I suggest giving an example -- show a link to one of the advertisements. Thanks! --Coppertwig 06:17, 18. Nov. 2006 (CET) en:User talk:Coppertwig

Hi !

  • did you try the change database button to leave an combination ?
  • Loading pages in te Backgrund would only work with Ajax and a few changes in process-design. I cant programm ajax and ajax would work

without java (i think).

  • categories are only in big languages but i will think about.

Many thx for your advertisement ! Flacus

Maybe loading in the background is not that important. The second day I tried it, it was much faster. The first day, it often tried to load a page, seemed to find a page in only one language, gave up and tried loading a different page, often several times, so I had to wait. Anyway, I thought of another solution: if it's loading slowly, I can use two browser windows and keep switching back and forth.
I hope it stores the information immediately after each vote so nothing is lost if you click "cancel" or close the browser window or get disconnected or something.
Can you tell me where to look so I can learn to write bots like that?

--Coppertwig 05:29, 19. Nov. 2006 (CET)

Article names are stored with add slashes.

en:James O'Neil is stored as en:James O\'Neill, So you can't see these entries in IWLC.. I've seen this in sv-es and sv-nl --- Anon 14:22, 29. Jan. 2007 (CET)


How about extending the link checker to pages without identical titles but already linked by one interwiki link? Eg, en:Teratoma is linked to Teratom and many other language wikipedia pages on the same topic, but most of those other langauage pages are not yet linked to each other. They await edits. 00:17, 30. Mär. 2007 (CEST)

malfunctions in bot.php


When trying to save a warning log from a week ([1]) or a lang ([2]), "download" and "view" fails (1 byte long file), altough "view as HTML" seems to work properly.

When used in day mode ([3]), it works fine.

Darkoneko, owner of fr:User:Loveless interwiki bot. 12:45, 8. Jun. 2007 (CEST)

Cyrillic Wikipedias

Is it possible to analyze also Cyrillic (Russia, Ukrainian, Belarusian (be: and be-x-old:), etc) Wikipedias also? Latin names are often used for articles about bands, companies, etc. --EugeneZelenko 05:48, 15. Jul. 2008 (CEST)

Analyze categories and categories/articles

I think will be also useful to run same analysis for categories namespace and also cross article/categories. Same names often used for categories about bands, companies, geographical places. --EugeneZelenko 05:50, 15. Jul. 2008 (CEST)


Is this project still active? Rmhermen 01:12, 28. Okt. 2008 (CET)

Good question ! The interface works, but I hope our work is actually used to enhance Wikipedia... Nicolas1981 14:28, 1. Jan. 2009 (CET)


The eneo English-Esperanto pair doesn't seem to work, and it forwards to the ensv pair. -- Yekrats 18:04, 24. Nov. 2008 (CET) Wait... it works now! :-) -- Yekrats 18:06, 24. Nov. 2008 (CET)

ennl not working?

I have been trying to work on ennl for some days, but it seems to be blocked at around 710 articles, and always returns the error "It looks like that the Wiki-Server are overloaded. Pse try again later." Other language pairs seem to work fine. Welsh 10:03, 1. Jan. 2009 (CET)

I contribute on a dozen languages so I have used many language pairs: most of them get this error after working for some time. Just pick another pair, and try again the day after, it usually works again. Cheers Nicolas1981 14:26, 1. Jan. 2009 (CET)
OK I've waited patiently trying ennl almost every day for the past 6 weeks, and it is definitely stuck. Lots of other combinations work fine, sometimes with a bit of perseverance, but ennl does not. Welsh 20:03, 18. Feb. 2009 (CET)

it* does not work

Hi! All the combinations with italian language do not work. I mean: it opens only the italian page and the other one disappears. -- Basilicofresco 10:50, 13. Jan. 2009 (CET)

Results language on IWLC

Hi. Is there any way of localizing the language we receive the results in from the IWLC please? There is a problem in that, when I get the results back from the IWLC, they are in German. I read German, but not well enough to understand what I get back from the service. I would appreciate any help you can provide on this issue. Thanks! Iceflow 17:03, 13. Jan. 2009 (CET) (w:User:Iceflow @ English Wikipedia)

'It looks like that the Wiki-Server are overloaded. Pse try again later.'

Guten Tag.

Es sagt: 'It looks like that the Wiki-Server are overloaded. Pse try again later.'. Warum?


Joe Computerjoe 23:34, 24. Feb. 2009 (CET)

I get this same error whenever there is an accented character in the title of the page being checked. -- Mukkakukaku 13:37, 25 February 2009

Why this is a waste of time

It takes 3 votes for each one before any edits are made! That's ridiculous. What's the purpose of having a bot do it? Make it so the user does the edit. No wonder no one uses this. Adding interwiki links should never take this much work... 06:38, 26. Aug. 2009 (CEST)