aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Artikelliste Kategorie Bauchspeicheldrüse
Stand 3. Juli 2014
mittels Catscan QuickIntersection aufgefundene 216 Artikel (einschl. aller Unterkategorien)
Systematische Artikelliste
Title | Bereich | Last change | Size | Page ID | Rel. |
Antidiabetikum | Pharma | 20140402184740 | 4961 | 74654 | 1 |
Bauchspeicheldrüse | Anatomie | 20140701064802 | 28003 | 932463 | 1 |
Diabetologie | Fach | 20140629115135 | 6822 | 124769 | 1 |
Diabetes mellitus | Krankheit | 20140703223818 | 116600 | 71414 | 1 |
Acarbose | Pharma | 20140608230813 | 4341 | 338608 | 2 |
Aleuronat | Ernährung | 20130521145842 | 842 | 1775028 | 3 |
American Diabetes Association | Organisation | 20140611110742 | 1985 | 7781688 | 2 |
Amylin | Physiologie | 20140622142201 | 4089 | 2777028 | |
Arhalofenat | Pharma | 20140608230813 | 3666 | 5537282 | |
Arteria gastroduodenalis | Anatomie | 20131215110653 | 1010 | 4038853 | |
Arteria hepatica communis | Anatomie | 20140120135152 | 1360 | 3121494 | |
Arteria pancreatica dorsalis | Anatomie | 20130401162521 | 1086 | 4109479 | |
Arteria pancreatica magna | Anatomie | 20140110224046 | 947 | 4088564 | |
Arteria pancreaticoduodenalis inferior | Anatomie | 20131220022756 | 1086 | 4035238 | |
Arteria pancreaticoduodenalis superior | Anatomie | 20131219202348 | 1488 | 4038285 | |
Frederick Banting | Biographie | 20140623142341 | 8957 | 138508 | |
Basalrate | Physiologie | 20130331010629 | 1697 | 5815044 | |
Basis-Bolus-Therapie | Therapie | 20140125002334 | 2804 | 51709 | |
BB-Ratte | Forschung | 20130713140859 | 3621 | 6236226 | |
BE-Faktor | Therapie | 20140125002344 | 3029 | 75854 | |
Benfluorex | Pharma | 20140608230813 | 10103 | 6570235 | |
Berufsverband der Diabetologischen Schwerpunktpraxen in Westfalen-Lippe | Organisation | 20140129205551 | 2158 | 5479733 | |
Charles Best | Biographie | 20140616054858 | 2925 | 518873 | |
Betatrophin | Physiologie | 20140401125423 | 2676 | 7841962 | |
Jürgen Beyer (Internist) | Biographie | 20140602194732 | 2958 | 4644238 | |
Horst Bibergeil | Biographie | 20140619234641 | 5121 | 1456832 | |
Biguanid | Pharma | 20140630103619 | 6344 | 1105567 | |
Matthias Blüher | Biographie | 20140602201155 | 4864 | 7940613 | |
Blutzucker | Physiologie | 20140619234641 | 19857 | 44491 | 1 |
Blutzucker-Sensorsystem | Physiologie | 20130624154855 | 4367 | 193048 | |
Blutzuckermessgerät | Diagnostik | 20140619133941 | 23039 | 3449037 | |
Stefan R. Bornstein | Biographie | 20140624144640 | 9391 | 8254776 | |
Gian Franco Bottazzo | Biographie | 20140602195034 | 1865 | 6107460 | |
Apollinaire Bouchardat | Biographie | 20140603144052 | 6864 | 4240867 | |
Broteinheit | Therapie | 20140210135702 | 9199 | 51643 | |
Caniner Diabetes mellitus | Krankheit | 20140703114222 | 20958 | 1664056 | |
Carbutamid | Pharma | 20140623142410 | 4274 | 8229043 | |
Charcot-Fuß | Krankheit | 20140702110129 | 8031 | 2479471 | |
Chlorpropamid | Pharma | 20140608230813 | 3915 | 6253881 | |
Cholecystokinin | Physiologie | 20140622142201 | 5303 | 294442 | |
Chymotrypsin B | Physiologie | 20140622142201 | 5307 | 298170 | |
C-Peptid | Physiologie | 20140527112157 | 5844 | 74684 | |
Dapagliflozin | Pharma | 20140608230813 | 10350 | 5647340 | |
Dawn-Phänomen | Physiologie | 20140125002553 | 3803 | 3517571 | |
Deutsche Diabetes-Gesellschaft | Organisation | 20140514213645 | 1987 | 877774 | |
Deutsche Diabetes-Hilfe – Menschen mit Diabetes | Organisation | 20140629054243 | 6762 | 7235823 | |
Deutsche Diabetes-Stiftung | Organisation | 20140514213645 | 4046 | 609069 | |
Deutscher Diabetiker Bund | Organisation | 20140629054307 | 5323 | 424967 | |
Dextrose-Äquivalent | Physiologie | 20140126183012 | 2340 | 1516889 | |
Weltdiabetestag | Organisation | 20140428152423 | 8354 | 3057895 | |
Diabetes (Fachzeitschrift) | Zeitschrift | 20140614105016 | 1961 | 7795377 | |
Diabetes Care | Zeitschrift | 20140614105016 | 1994 | 7795366 | |
Diabetes-Management-Software | Therapie | 20130404215403 | 6897 | 5291438 | |
Deutsches Diabetes-Zentrum | Organisation | 20140621165752 | 7537 | 4279860 | |
Deutsches Zentrum für Diabetesforschung | Organisation | 20140618190234 | 3563 | 5950579 | |
Diabetesberater DDG | Therapeut | 20140126173240 | 4207 | 8028338 | |
DiabetesDE – Deutsche Diabetes-Hilfe | Organisation | 20140629060224 | 6806 | 5537345 | |
Diabetikerwarnhund | Diagnostik | 20140602160905 | 2306 | 4574726 | |
Diabetische Angiopathie | Krankheit | 20140125002513 | 2621 | 1529797 | 1 |
Diabetische Nephropathie | Krankheit | 20140619161644 | 29603 | 447576 | 1 |
Diabetische Retinopathie | Krankheit | 20140521200951 | 19140 | 852542 | 1 |
Diabetisches Fußsyndrom | Krankheit | 20140407141856 | 13673 | 2535368 | 1 |
Diabetisches Koma | Krankheit | 20140125002348 | 5824 | 109505 | 1 |
Diabetologia | Zeitschrift | 20140614105016 | 2045 | 7793851 | |
Manfred Dreyer | Biographie | 20140602201623 | 4623 | 5716508 | |
George Eisenbarth | Biographie | 20140619234641 | 9458 | 7780193 | |
Embryofetopathia diabetica | Krankheit | 20140602183943 | 3157 | 2403599 | |
Error-Grid-Analyse | Forschung | 20130723183035 | 2339 | 3822905 | |
European Association for the Study of Diabetes | Organisation | 20140212152455 | 1529 | 5669563 | |
Exenatid | Pharma | 20140622142201 | 8379 | 1319268 | |
Exokrine Pankreasinsuffizienz | Krankheit | 20140619234641 | 9301 | 2020294 | 1 |
Peter Fasching | Biographie | 20140615031537 | 1545 | 6575804 | |
Feliner Diabetes mellitus | Krankheit | 20140703121044 | 6392 | 660551 | |
Ferdinand-Bertram-Preis | Organisation | 20140625063018 | 3550 | 3712096 | |
Forkhead-Box-Protein A2 | Physiologie | 20140622142201 | 25470 | 5249119 | |
Fructosamin | Physiologie | 20140403210628 | 2488 | 2959937 | |
Fructose | Physiologie | 20140619234641 | 24940 | 1737 | |
Garzer Thesen | Geschichte | 20140619234641 | 2912 | 4085480 | |
Willy Gepts | Biographie | 20140619234641 | 6271 | 4233985 | |
Geschichte der Diabetologie | Geschichte | 20140619234641 | 22203 | 2065228 | |
Glibenclamid | Pharma | 20140622114035 | 5097 | 74694 | |
Glimepirid | Pharma | 20140608230813 | 9093 | 3026817 | |
Glinide | Pharma | 20140507180459 | 9570 | 1505369 | |
Glucagon | Physiologie | 20140622142201 | 8206 | 2033 | 1 |
Glucagon-like-peptide 1 | Physiologie | 20140622142201 | 4967 | 1963638 | |
Glucosurie | Krankheit | 20140125002426 | 1557 | 834347 | |
Glykämischer Index | Ernährung | 20140622140249 | 13475 | 54141 | |
Mate Granić | Biographie | 20140628233114 | 3332 | 5272567 | |
Hans Christian Hagedorn | Biographie | 20140602191435 | 5847 | 4956001 | |
Hans-Peter Hammes | Biographie | 20140602191418 | 4663 | 7983536 | |
HbA1c | Diagnostik | 20140527112157 | 7135 | 661648 | 1 |
Hepatopankreas | Anatomie | 20140619234641 | 3780 | 3415451 | |
Harold Percival Himsworth | Biographie | 20140619234641 | 8302 | 5520794 | |
Hyperglykämie | Krankheit | 20140513131954 | 1867 | 785469 | 1 |
Hyperinsulinismus | Krankheit | 20140527112157 | 5132 | 1830947 | |
Hypoglycaemia factitia | Krankheit | 20140125002556 | 2802 | 3798035 | |
Hypoglykämie | Krankheit | 20140628134530 | 22333 | 75859 | 1 |
Inhibitoren der Dipeptidylpeptidase 4 | Pharma | 20140619234641 | 5485 | 2579598 | |
Inkretin-Effekt | Physiologie | 20140619234641 | 4780 | 1955492 | |
Inkretinmimetika | Pharma | 20140527112157 | 5852 | 3052084 | |
Inselzelltransplantation | Therapie | 20140619234641 | 35241 | 1670942 | |
Insulin | Physiologie | 20140623150507 | 29122 | 2406 | 1 |
Insulin detemir | Pharma | 20140622142201 | 7077 | 4634661 | |
Insulin glargin | Pharma | 20140622142201 | 17107 | 4385577 | |
Insulin-Index | Therapie | 20140619234641 | 2167 | 4172024 | |
Insulin-Sensitizer | Pharma | 20131220234311 | 7696 | 119008 | |
Insulinanalogon | Pharma | 20140611220520 | 582 | 5496005 | |
Insulinom | Krankheit | 20140619234641 | 7461 | 357773 | |
Insulinpräparat | Pharma | 20140603062805 | 45083 | 1868203 | |
Insulinpumpe | Therapie | 20140703132558 | 13309 | 165212 | |
Insulinresistenz | Krankheit | 20140527112157 | 13021 | 82343 | 1 |
Insulinrezeptor | Anatomie | 20140622142201 | 8824 | 2994922 | |
Insulintherapie | Pharma | 20140410060154 | 24082 | 51706 | |
International Diabetes Federation | Organisation | 20140105102503 | 1739 | 3058588 | |
Inulin | Diagnostik | 20140617160956 | 5638 | 151658 | |
JDRF | Organisation | 20140115004742 | 2138 | 7788643 | |
Elliott P. Joslin | Biographie | 20140602183925 | 6893 | 3709996 | |
Kapillarblut | Physiologie | 20140307063814 | 2549 | 5454769 | |
Gerhardt Katsch | Biographie | 20140619234641 | 31290 | 746445 | |
Kontinuierlich messender Glucosesensor | Diagnostik | 20140622112200 | 25573 | 4691238 | |
Künstliche Bauchspeicheldrüse | Therapie | 20140629122209 | 16891 | 5113901 | |
Kußmaul-Atmung | Krankheit | 20140225165941 | 2364 | 433911 | |
LADA | Krankheit | 20140517165408 | 14069 | 223394 | |
Étienne Lancereaux | Biographie | 20140627185622 | 5332 | 4231266 | |
Langerhans-Inseln | Anatomie | 20140630163858 | 5574 | 76483 | |
Yngve A. A. Larsson | Biographie | 20140703130640 | 1157 | 8229940 | |
Philip Medford LeCompte | Biographie | 20140619234641 | 4684 | 4235010 | |
Lehrter Modell | Therapie | 20140703222206 | 9926 | 4541444 | |
Linagliptin | Pharma | 20140608230813 | 9850 | 4448671 | |
Lipohypertrophie | Krankheit | 20140125002544 | 874 | 2917636 | |
Alfred Lublin | Biographie | 20140619234641 | 7583 | 4087682 | |
Bernhard Ludvik | Biographie | 20140614222838 | 6844 | 6074203 | |
Kathrin Mädler | Biographie | 20140602195301 | 3212 | 7588860 | |
Makulaödem | Krankheit | 20140619234641 | 2185 | 3804953 | |
Malum perforans | Krankheit | 20140125002608 | 3658 | 5051704 | |
Hellmut Mehnert | Biographie | 20140602192029 | 5150 | 5370947 | |
Josef von Mering | Biographie | 20140602194426 | 2976 | 1766963 | |
Metabolisches Syndrom | Krankheit | 20140527112157 | 13848 | 59683 | 1 |
Metformin | Pharma | 20140619234641 | 15931 | 120422 | |
Miglitol | Pharma | 20140608230813 | 3857 | 3770897 | |
MODY | Krankheit | 20140416204031 | 9477 | 249541 | |
Gerhard Mohnike | Biographie | 20140619234641 | 5059 | 1456620 | |
Mönckeberg-Sklerose | Krankheit | 20140402155936 | 5442 | 5470618 | |
Monofilament | Diagnostik | 20140516013207 | 1398 | 2886835 | |
William Parry Murphy | Biographie | 20140629084602 | 1300 | 237554 | |
Nationales Aktionsforum Diabetes mellitus | Organisation | 20130522152420 | 4637 | 3490255 | |
Necrobiosis lipoidica | Krankheit | 20140505153224 | 1551 | 3868942 | |
Nesidioblastose | Krankheit | 20140605185218 | 2957 | 3671426 | |
Neuropathie | Krankheit | 20140606141341 | 14563 | 439998 | 1 |
Nierenschwelle | Physiologie | 20140125002447 | 1433 | 1006742 | |
NOD-Maus | Forschung | 20140619234641 | 3911 | 6237971 | |
Novo Nordisk Media Prize | Organisation | 20140622210908 | 2805 | 3031065 | |
Oraler Glukosetoleranztest | Diagnostik | 20140619083054 | 15155 | 272289 | 1 |
Lelio Orci | Biographie | 20140625135623 | 1848 | 6107518 | |
Pallästhesiometer | Diagnostik | 20140125002520 | 4961 | 1843146 | |
Pancreas anulare | Anatomie | 20140526211932 | 4700 | 2725340 | |
Pancreas divisum | Anatomie | 20140605073237 | 2026 | 3077223 | |
Pankreas-Amylase | Physiologie | 20140622210908 | 6388 | 122661 | |
Pankreas-Elastase | Physiologie | 20140622142201 | 5352 | 5169943 | |
Pankreasegel | Krankheit | 20130522154250 | 670 | 145794 | |
Pankreasenzyme | Physiologie | 20140125002404 | 888 | 267105 | |
Pankreaspseudozyste | Krankheit | 20131101091310 | 88 | 2680279 | |
Pankreasruptur | Krankheit | 20140125002526 | 1044 | 1878526 | |
Pankreassternzelle | Anatomie | 20131227204225 | 2396 | 6155184 | |
Pankreastransplantation | Therapie | 20140617235139 | 8716 | 6511326 | |
Pankreastumor | Krankheit | 20140621130542 | 25770 | 2387088 | 1 |
Pankreaszyste | Krankheit | 20140125002540 | 4438 | 2680695 | |
Pankreatin | Pharma | 20140527112157 | 4133 | 2017376 | |
Pankreatisches Hormon | Physiologie | 20140622142201 | 3314 | 1698130 | |
Pankreatitis | Krankheit | 20140620010438 | 22794 | 135948 | |
Pankreopriv | Krankheit | 20130522154250 | 1119 | 81186 | |
Günther Panzram | Biographie | 20140602191144 | 3741 | 5103625 | |
Papilla duodeni minor | Anatomie | 20140110234653 | 1532 | 5303519 | |
Paul-Langerhans-Medaille | Organisation | 20140505154842 | 5592 | 877884 | |
Nicolae Paulescu | Biographie | 20140626035643 | 7577 | 1495920 | |
Pen (Spritze) | Therapie | 20140125002520 | 3002 | 1745651 | |
Achim Peters | Biographie | 20140602173512 | 7348 | 3367992 | |
Pioglitazon | Pharma | 20140628172237 | 12998 | 2418962 | |
Präproinsulin | Physiologie | 20130403213347 | 114 | 2178677 | |
Proinsulin | Physiologie | 20140401123628 | 1395 | 361730 | |
Albert Renold | Biographie | 20140602173833 | 1923 | 6107341 | |
Michael Ristow | Biographie | 20140629085112 | 6072 | 2761908 | |
Rosiglitazon | Pharma | 20140608230813 | 14591 | 2611538 | |
Otto Rostoski | Biographie | 20140602195406 | 5314 | 6767888 | |
Theodore Ryder | Biographie | 20140619234641 | 6206 | 3297722 | |
Helmut Schatz | Biographie | 20140615022828 | 4841 | 3707909 | |
Guntram Schernthaner | Biographie | 20140615014651 | 2168 | 6546912 | |
Schwangerschaftsdiabetes | Krankheit | 20140612192609 | 12199 | 311211 | 1 |
Schweizerische Diabetes-Gesellschaft | Organisation | 20130522163654 | 2250 | 5555955 | |
Sekretin | Physiologie | 20140622142201 | 3011 | 294434 | |
SGLT-2-Hemmer | Pharma | 20140525064444 | 6453 | 2852480 | |
Sitagliptin | Pharma | 20140608230813 | 12348 | 2351085 | |
Zdenko Škrabalo | Biographie | 20140628233114 | 3213 | 8058211 | |
Somatostatin | Physiologie | 20140622142201 | 5247 | 206192 | |
Somatostatinom | Krankheit | 20140701234518 | 6829 | 3625633 | |
Somogyi-Effekt | Krankheit | 20140513203704 | 1281 | 1752776 | |
Stechhilfe | Therapie | 20140603144052 | 2877 | 3550298 | |
Karl Stolte | Biographie | 20140624120315 | 7321 | 3276872 | |
Streptozocin | Pharma | 20140619234641 | 8095 | 2090656 | |
Sulfonylharnstoffe | Pharma | 20140630193538 | 5380 | 222801 | |
Tolbutamid | Pharma | 20140608230813 | 3337 | 552760 | |
Topinambur | Ernährung | 20140628044910 | 32430 | 5258773 | |
Trypsin | Physiologie | 20140622142201 | 5393 | 135752 | |
Diethelm Tschöpe | Biographie | 20140628063904 | 3779 | 8293146 | |
Verbliebene Eigensekretionsrate | Diagnostik | 20140125002344 | 1225 | 76687 | |
Verdauungsenzym | Physiologie | 20140615125838 | 2736 | 342257 | |
Verner-Morrison-Syndrom | Krankheit | 20140511204513 | 3369 | 1684013 | |
Vildagliptin | Pharma | 20140612162324 | 13754 | 3008477 | |
Priscilla White | Biographie | 20140619234641 | 7215 | 5514038 | |
Xylitol | Ernährung | 20140702130610 | 18918 | 194639 | |
Zentrales Diabetesregister der DDR | Organisation | 20140619234641 | 4613 | 4823267 | |
Zentraleuropäische Diabetesgesellschaft | Organisation | 20140115192832 | 3170 | 3712037 | |
Zentralinstitut für Diabetes | Organisation | 20140626103334 | 23062 | 1030369 | |
Zimt | Ernährung | 20140616150955 | 16517 | 12977 | |
Hartmut Zühlke | Biographie | 20140602191656 | 3512 | 4281485 | |
Georg Ludwig Zülzer | Biographie | 20140602190132 | 3959 | 2307688 |
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- Query was run on 2014-07-04 09:17:48
- Query took 0.0009s
- Query yielded 844 pages
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Root categories
de Title | Last change | Size | Page ID | Wikidata | en Title | Last change | Size | Page ID | Wikidata |
Acarbose | 20140608230813 | 4341 | 338608 | Q338005 | Acarbose | 20140701150955 | 8037 | 1128859 | Q338005 |
Achim Peters | 20140602173512 | 7348 | 3367992 | Q112315 | |||||
Albert Renold | 20140602173833 | 1923 | 6107341 | Q2638628 | |||||
Aleuronat | 20130521145842 | 842 | 1775028 | Q2641200 | |||||
Alfred Lublin | 20140619234641 | 7583 | 4087682 | Q1284468 | |||||
American Diabetes Association | 20140611110742 | 1985 | 7781688 | Q4743610 | American Diabetes Association | 20140701150955 | 22464 | 2168708 | Q4743610 |
Amylin | 20140622142201 | 4089 | 2777028 | Q424643 | Amylin | 20140703164500 | 27667 | 1615081 | Q424643 |
Antidiabetikum | 20140402184740 | 4961 | 74654 | Q575062 | Anti-diabetic medication | 20140624022012 | 35790 | 253721 | Q575062 |
Apollinaire Bouchardat | 20140603144052 | 6864 | 4240867 | Q618902 | Apollinaire Bouchardat | 20140704031819 | 3332 | 15375328 | Q618902 |
Arhalofenat | 20140608230813 | 3666 | 5537282 | Q653074 | |||||
Arteria gastroduodenalis | 20131215110653 | 1010 | 4038853 | Q707194 | |||||
Arteria hepatica communis | 20140120135152 | 1360 | 3121494 | Q707236 | |||||
Arteria pancreatica dorsalis | 20130401162521 | 1086 | 4109479 | Q707424 | |||||
Arteria pancreatica magna | 20140110224046 | 947 | 4088564 | Q707433 | |||||
Arteria pancreaticoduodenalis inferior | 20131220022756 | 1086 | 4035238 | Q707436 | |||||
Arteria pancreaticoduodenalis superior | 20131219202348 | 1488 | 4038285 | Q707443 | |||||
Basalrate | 20130331010629 | 1697 | 5815044 | Q268452 | Basal rate | 20140606142448 | 4883 | 249919 | Q268452 |
Basis-Bolus-Therapie | 20140125002334 | 2804 | 51709 | Q810186 | |||||
Bauchspeicheldrüse | 20140710150919 | 31204 | 932463 | Q9618 | Pancreas | 20140701150955 | 25721 | 38300 | Q9618 |
BB-Ratte | 20130713140859 | 3621 | 6236226 | Q795497 | |||||
BE-Faktor | 20140125002344 | 3029 | 75854 | Q795782 | |||||
Benfluorex | 20140608230813 | 10103 | 6570235 | Q421695 | |||||
Bernhard Ludvik | 20140709192617 | 6844 | 6074203 | Q89999 | Bernhard Ludvik | 20140703111435 | 11148 | 31282102 | Q89999 |
Berufsverband der Diabetologischen Schwerpunktpraxen in Westfalen-Lippe | 20140709155112 | 2593 | 5479733 | Q627701 | |||||
Betatrophin | 20140401125423 | 2676 | 7841962 | Q14640319 | |||||
Biguanid | 20140708161007 | 6345 | 1105567 | Q142880 | Biguanide | 20140701150955 | 5707 | 4036144 | Q142880 |
Blutzucker | 20140709161618 | 19857 | 44491 | Q275157 | Blood sugar | 20140619190204 | 29126 | 289406 | Q275157 |
Blutzuckermessgerät | 20140619133941 | 23039 | 3449037 | Q842840 | Glucose meter | 20140619133940 | 36445 | 1627125 | Q842840 |
Blutzucker-Sensorsystem | 20140709161618 | 4367 | 193048 | Q886864 | |||||
Brockmann-Körper | 20140710090034 | 4353 | 3416004 | Q923905 | |||||
Broteinheit | 20140210135702 | 9199 | 51643 | Q337320 | |||||
Caniner Diabetes mellitus | 20140703114222 | 20958 | 1664056 | Q1033305 | Diabetes in dogs | 20140521203940 | 79639 | 26585603 | Q1033305 |
Carbutamid | 20140623142410 | 4274 | 8229043 | Q5038107 | Carbutamide | 20140704031819 | 2513 | 17272673 | Q5038107 |
Charcot-Fuß | 20140702110129 | 8031 | 2479471 | Q1063085 | |||||
Charles Best | 20140704103516 | 2925 | 518873 | Q867690 | Charles Herbert Best | 20140701193528 | 10081 | 75078 | Q867690 |
Chlorpropamid | 20140608230813 | 3915 | 6253881 | Q1075324 | Chlorpropamide | 20140701150955 | 5961 | 1128939 | Q1075324 |
Cholecystokinin | 20140622142201 | 5303 | 294442 | Q422281 | |||||
Chymotrypsin B | 20140622142201 | 5307 | 298170 | Q383836 | |||||
C-Peptid | 20140527112157 | 5844 | 74684 | Q419107 | C-peptide | 20140701150955 | 18645 | 470048 | Q419107 |
Dapagliflozin | 20140608230813 | 10350 | 5647340 | Q409898 | Dapagliflozin | 20140701150955 | 6035 | 12887609 | Q409898 |
Dawn-Phänomen | 20140125002553 | 3803 | 3517571 | Q1178748 | Dawn phenomenon | 20140704031819 | 1859 | 15624812 | Q1178748 |
Deutsche Diabetes-Gesellschaft | 20140514213645 | 1987 | 877774 | Q1202303 | |||||
Deutsche Diabetes-Hilfe – Menschen mit Diabetes | 20140629054243 | 6762 | 7235823 | Q1202304 | |||||
Deutsche Diabetes-Stiftung | 20140514213645 | 4046 | 609069 | Q1202306 | |||||
Deutscher Diabetiker Bund | 20140709161618 | 5323 | 424967 | Q1204708 | |||||
Deutsches Diabetes-Zentrum | 20140621165752 | 7537 | 4279860 | Q1205596 | |||||
Deutsches Zentrum für Diabetesforschung | 20140618190234 | 3563 | 5950579 | Q1206128 | |||||
Dextrose-Äquivalent | 20140126183012 | 2340 | 1516889 | Q1207253 | |||||
Diabetes (Fachzeitschrift) | 20140614105016 | 1961 | 7795377 | Q895262 | Diabetes (journal) | 20140618232708 | 2274 | 18490611 | Q895262 |
Diabetes Care | 20140614105016 | 1994 | 7795366 | Q5270111 | Diabetes Care | 20140618232708 | 2165 | 18490813 | Q5270111 |
Diabetes mellitus | 20140709091036 | 116523 | 71414 | Q12206 | Diabetes mellitus | 20140702032158 | 61173 | 40017873 | Q12206 |
Diabetesberater DDG | 20140126173240 | 4207 | 8028338 | Q15411096 | |||||
DiabetesDE – Deutsche Diabetes-Hilfe | 20140629060224 | 6806 | 5537345 | Q1207947 | |||||
Diabetes-Management-Software | 20130404215403 | 6897 | 5291438 | Q946715 | Diabetes management software | 20140618232813 | 10080 | 8096716 | Q946715 |
Diabetikerwarnhund | 20140602160905 | 2306 | 4574726 | Q1207962 | Dogs for Diabetics | 20140606142448 | 2774 | 10223817 | Q1207962 |
Diabetische Angiopathie | 20140125002513 | 2621 | 1529797 | Q489997 | |||||
Diabetische Nephropathie | 20140619161644 | 29603 | 447576 | Q1129105 | Diabetic nephropathy | 20140702035850 | 17734 | 1524776 | Q1129105 |
Diabetische Retinopathie | 20140710161311 | 19140 | 852542 | Q631361 | Diabetic retinopathy | 20140702032158 | 28411 | 56533 | Q631361 |
Diabetisches Fußsyndrom | 20140708030222 | 13673 | 2535368 | Q52856 | Diabetic foot | 20140704031819 | 2287 | 31341925 | Q52856 |
Diabetisches Koma | 20140125002348 | 5824 | 109505 | Q777717 | Diabetic coma | 20140702032158 | 6951 | 154349 | Q777717 |
Diabetologia | 20140614105016 | 2045 | 7793851 | Q5270140 | |||||
Diabetologie | 20140706225750 | 6823 | 124769 | Q1207969 | |||||
Diethelm Tschöpe | 20140707181016 | 3779 | 8293146 | Q17321233 | |||||
Elliott P. Joslin | 20140602183925 | 6893 | 3709996 | Q1331376 | Elliott P. Joslin | 20140701193528 | 6251 | 5861951 | Q1331376 |
Embryofetopathia diabetica | 20140602183943 | 3157 | 2403599 | Q1335193 | |||||
Error-Grid-Analyse | 20130723183035 | 2339 | 3822905 | Q1361638 | Clarke Error Grid | 20140521203940 | 1584 | 12767023 | Q1361638 |
Étienne Lancereaux | 20140627185622 | 5332 | 4231266 | Q289809 | Étienne Lancereaux | 20140701193528 | 2519 | 22257451 | Q289809 |
European Association for the Study of Diabetes | 20140212152455 | 1529 | 5669563 | Q1376332 | European Association for the Study of Diabetes | 20140606142448 | 7076 | 18932141 | Q1376332 |
Exenatid | 20140622142201 | 8379 | 1319268 | Q417762 | Exenatide | 20140701150955 | 27667 | 3296402 | Q417762 |
Exokrine Pankreasinsuffizienz | 20140619234641 | 9301 | 2020294 | Q641605 | Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency | 20140702032158 | 8980 | 3952371 | Q641605 |
Feliner Diabetes mellitus | 20140703121044 | 6392 | 660551 | Q389913 | Diabetes in cats | 20140606142448 | 28142 | 1569995 | Q389913 |
Ferdinand-Bertram-Preis | 20140625063018 | 3550 | 3712096 | Q1405038 | |||||
Forkhead-Box-Protein A2 | 20140622142201 | 25470 | 5249119 | Q1426938 | |||||
Frederick Banting | 20140623142341 | 8957 | 138508 | Q180350 | Frederick Banting | 20140701193528 | 23298 | 75076 | Q180350 |
Fructosamin | 20140403210628 | 2488 | 2959937 | Q289357 | Fructosamine | 20140624022012 | 7689 | 4304851 | Q289357 |
Fructose | 20140619234641 | 24940 | 1737 | Q122043 | |||||
Garzer Thesen | 20140619234641 | 2912 | 4085480 | Q1494989 | |||||
Georg Ludwig Zülzer | 20140602190132 | 3959 | 2307688 | Q246843 | |||||
George Eisenbarth | 20140619234641 | 9458 | 7780193 | Q13855780 | |||||
Gerhard Mohnike | 20140619234641 | 5059 | 1456620 | Q1252611 | |||||
Gerhardt Katsch | 20140707113651 | 31290 | 746445 | Q1438101 | |||||
Geschichte der Diabetologie | 20140619234641 | 22203 | 2065228 | Q1516715 | |||||
Gian Franco Bottazzo | 20140602195034 | 1865 | 6107460 | Q1463964 | |||||
Glibenclamid | 20140622114035 | 5097 | 74694 | Q420626 | Glibenclamide | 20140701214410 | 10345 | 2397075 | Q420626 |
Glimepirid | 20140608230813 | 9093 | 3026817 | Q425027 | Glimepiride | 20140701150955 | 6965 | 253717 | Q425027 |
Glinide | 20140507180459 | 9570 | 1505369 | Q412926 | Meglitinide | 20140619190204 | 2260 | 3776565 | Q412926 |
Glucagon | 20140622142201 | 8206 | 2033 | Q170617 | |||||
Glucagon-like-peptide 1 | 20140622142201 | 4967 | 1963638 | Q424611 | Glucagon-like peptide-1 | 20140619190204 | 5437 | 5509632 | Q424611 |
Glucosurie | 20140125002426 | 1557 | 834347 | Q1136213 | Glycosuria | 20140627135236 | 3937 | 1699564 | Q1136213 |
Glykämischer Index | 20140622140249 | 13475 | 54141 | Q273924 | Glycemic index | 20140630061050 | 29463 | 404226 | Q273924 |
Günther Panzram | 20140602191144 | 3741 | 5103625 | Q1366966 | |||||
Guntram Schernthaner | 20140709213852 | 2168 | 6546912 | Q1555037 | |||||
Hans Christian Hagedorn | 20140602191435 | 5847 | 4956001 | Q901736 | |||||
Hans-Peter Hammes | 20140602191418 | 4663 | 7983536 | Q15429594 | |||||
Harold Percival Himsworth | 20140619234641 | 8302 | 5520794 | Q1585907 | Harold Percival Himsworth | 20140701193528 | 3405 | 746430 | Q1585907 |
Hartmut Zühlke | 20140602191656 | 3512 | 4281485 | Q1587600 | |||||
HbA1c | 20140527112157 | 7135 | 661648 | Q311213 | Glycated hemoglobin | 20140624022012 | 25258 | 1191951 | Q311213 |
Hellmut Mehnert | 20140710062643 | 5150 | 5370947 | Q1602942 | |||||
Helmut Schatz | 20140615022828 | 4841 | 3707909 | Q1604111 | |||||
Hepatopankreas | 20140619234641 | 3780 | 3415451 | Q384912 | |||||
Horst Bibergeil | 20140619234641 | 5121 | 1456832 | Q1629184 | |||||
Hyperglykämie | 20140513131954 | 1867 | 785469 | Q271993 | Hyperglycemia | 20140702032158 | 13639 | 78226 | Q271993 |
Hyperinsulinismus | 20140527112157 | 5132 | 1830947 | Q477390 | Hyperinsulinism | 20140702032158 | 7379 | 1089982 | Q477390 |
Hypoglycaemia factitia | 20140125002556 | 2802 | 3798035 | Q1641328 | |||||
Hypoglykämie | 20140710155309 | 22328 | 75859 | Q202758 | Hypoglycemia | 20140702032158 | 40206 | 13315 | Q202758 |
Inhibitoren der Dipeptidylpeptidase 4 | 20140619234641 | 5485 | 2579598 | Q419770 | Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor | 20140703190958 | 15440 | 5402470 | Q419770 |
Inkretin-Effekt | 20140619234641 | 4780 | 1955492 | Q1420402 | |||||
Inkretinmimetika | 20140527112157 | 5852 | 3052084 | Q1663747 | |||||
Inselzelltransplantation | 20140619234641 | 35241 | 1670942 | Q1664517 | Islet cell transplantation | 20140701150955 | 16765 | 6580862 | Q1664517 |
Insulin detemir | 20140622142201 | 7077 | 4634661 | Q410965 | Insulin detemir | 20140701150955 | 6104 | 11154449 | Q410965 |
Insulin glargin | 20140622142201 | 17107 | 4385577 | Q417317 | Insulin glargine | 20140701150955 | 12068 | 1719250 | Q417317 |
Insulin | 20140623150507 | 29122 | 2406 | Q39798 | Insulin | 20140701150955 | 73276 | 14895 | Q39798 |
Insulinanalogon | 20140709161618 | 582 | 5496005 | Q742283 | Insulin analog | 20140619190204 | 19665 | 3005304 | Q742283 |
Insulin-Index | 20140619234641 | 2167 | 4172024 | Q776862 | Insulin index | 20140611202301 | 10367 | 5816458 | Q776862 |
Insulinom | 20140619234641 | 7461 | 357773 | Q1501239 | |||||
Insulinpräparat | 20140603062805 | 45083 | 1868203 | Q3492616 | Insulin lispro | 20140701150955 | 3136 | 12923152 | Q3492616 |
Insulinpumpe | 20140704130635 | 13309 | 165212 | Q941674 | Insulin pump | 20140624022012 | 30269 | 14899 | Q941674 |
Insulinresistenz | 20140527112157 | 13021 | 82343 | Q1053470 | Insulin resistance | 20140702032158 | 76788 | 54448 | Q1053470 |
Insulinrezeptor | 20140622142201 | 8824 | 2994922 | Q422579 | |||||
Insulin-Sensitizer | 20131220234311 | 7696 | 119008 | Q1393556 | Thiazolidinedione | 20140619190204 | 21062 | 575620 | Q1393556 |
Insulintherapie | 20140709161618 | 24083 | 51706 | Q2002370 | Insulin therapy | 20140624022012 | 55596 | 21091725 | Q2002370 |
International Diabetes Federation | 20140105102503 | 1739 | 3058588 | Q1508818 | International Diabetes Federation | 20140606142448 | 4485 | 6155391 | Q1508818 |
Inulin | 20140617160956 | 5638 | 151658 | Q201552 | |||||
JDRF | 20140115004742 | 2138 | 7788643 | Q6107958 | JDRF | 20140701150955 | 23729 | 2005758 | Q6107958 |
Josef von Mering | 20140602194426 | 2976 | 1766963 | Q92474 | |||||
Jürgen Beyer (Internist) | 20140602194732 | 2958 | 4644238 | Q1717022 | |||||
Kapillarblut | 20140307063814 | 2549 | 5454769 | Q1728535 | |||||
Karl Stolte | 20140624120315 | 7321 | 3276872 | Q1378262 | |||||
Kathrin Mädler | 20140602195301 | 3212 | 7588860 | Q15451547 | |||||
Kontinuierlich messender Glucosesensor | 20140622112200 | 25573 | 4691238 | Q1638492 | |||||
Künstliche Bauchspeicheldrüse | 20140708154157 | 17718 | 5113901 | Q1569064 | Artificial pancreas | 20140624022012 | 29970 | 6313537 | Q1569064 |
Kußmaul-Atmung | 20140225165941 | 2364 | 433911 | Q1122344 | |||||
LADA | 20140517165408 | 14069 | 223394 | Q1797833 | |||||
Langerhans-Inseln | 20140630163858 | 5574 | 76483 | Q728309 | Islets of Langerhans | 20140701150955 | 15174 | 199453 | Q728309 |
Lehrter Modell | 20140703222206 | 9926 | 4541444 | Q1813532 | |||||
Lelio Orci | 20140625135623 | 1848 | 6107518 | Q1816683 | |||||
Linagliptin | 20140608230813 | 9850 | 4448671 | Q909745 | Linagliptin | 20140701150955 | 6062 | 18475687 | Q909745 |
Lipohypertrophie | 20140125002544 | 874 | 2917636 | Q1827374 | |||||
Makulaödem | 20140619234641 | 2185 | 3804953 | Q1813737 | |||||
Malum perforans | 20140125002608 | 3658 | 5051704 | Q1764657 | |||||
Manfred Dreyer | 20140705231841 | 4623 | 5716508 | Q1889306 | |||||
Mate Granić | 20140710044846 | 3332 | 5272567 | Q684999 | |||||
Matthias Blüher | 20140602201155 | 4864 | 7940613 | Q15431947 | |||||
Metabolisches Syndrom | 20140527112157 | 13848 | 59683 | Q657193 | Metabolic syndrome | 20140702032158 | 47275 | 54439 | Q657193 |
Metformin | 20140619234641 | 15931 | 120422 | Q19484 | Metformin | 20140704085543 | 85207 | 253720 | Q19484 |
Michael Ristow | 20140629085112 | 6072 | 2761908 | Q99346 | |||||
Miglitol | 20140608230813 | 3857 | 3770897 | Q772735 | Miglitol | 20140704031819 | 4397 | 7512554 | Q772735 |
MODY | 20140416204031 | 9477 | 249541 | Q663041 | Maturity onset diabetes of the young | 20140702032158 | 19361 | 900742 | Q663041 |
Mönckeberg-Sklerose | 20140402155936 | 5442 | 5470618 | Q938991 | |||||
Monofilament | 20140516013207 | 1398 | 2886835 | Q933417 | |||||
Nationales Aktionsforum Diabetes mellitus | 20130522152420 | 4637 | 3490255 | Q1968263 | |||||
Necrobiosis lipoidica | 20140505153224 | 1551 | 3868942 | Q905619 | Necrobiosis lipoidica | 20140702032158 | 5099 | 3681809 | Q905619 |
Nesidioblastose | 20140605185218 | 2957 | 3671426 | Q1535394 | Nesidioblastosis | 20140702032158 | 3650 | 1306539 | Q1535394 |
Neuropathie | 20140606141341 | 14563 | 439998 | Q13452408 | |||||
Nicolae Paulescu | 20140707194411 | 7577 | 1495920 | Q1386190 | Nicolae Paulescu | 20140703100818 | 11769 | 309334 | Q1386190 |
Nierenschwelle | 20140125002447 | 1433 | 1006742 | Q1989265 | |||||
NOD-Maus | 20140619234641 | 3911 | 6237971 | Q1961243 | NOD mice | 20140521203940 | 4840 | 4888915 | Q1961243 |
Novo Nordisk Media Prize | 20140622210908 | 2805 | 3031065 | Q2002981 | |||||
Oraler Glukosetoleranztest | 20140710114325 | 15155 | 272289 | Q1501412 | Glucose tolerance test | 20140701220953 | 8238 | 60635 | Q1501412 |
Otto Rostoski | 20140602195406 | 5314 | 6767888 | Q1308766 | |||||
Pallästhesiometer | 20140709161618 | 4961 | 1843146 | Q2048095 | |||||
Pancreas anulare | 20140526211932 | 4700 | 2725340 | Q1601921 | |||||
Pancreas divisum | 20140605073237 | 2026 | 3077223 | Q585140 | |||||
Pankreas-Amylase | 20140622210908 | 6388 | 122661 | Q1373500 | |||||
Pankreasegel | 20130522154250 | 670 | 145794 | Q2049601 | |||||
Pankreas-Elastase | 20140622142201 | 5352 | 5169943 | Q2049599 | |||||
Pankreasenzyme | 20140125002404 | 888 | 267105 | Q2049602 | |||||
Pankreaspseudozyste | 20131101091310 | 88 | 2680279 | Pancreatic pseudocyst | |||||
Pankreasruptur | 20140125002526 | 1044 | 1878526 | Q2049603 | |||||
Pankreassternzelle | 20131227204225 | 2396 | 6155184 | Q1164962 | |||||
Pankreastransplantation | 20140617235139 | 8716 | 6511326 | Q518159 | |||||
Pankreastumor | 20140621130542 | 25770 | 2387088 | Q212961 | Pancreatic cancer | 20140702032158 | 61741 | 363559 | Q212961 |
Pankreaszyste | 20140125002540 | 4438 | 2680695 | Q689496 | Pancreatic pseudocyst | 20140702032158 | 5691 | 2565995 | Q689496 |
Pankreatin | 20140527112157 | 4133 | 2017376 | Q426846 | |||||
Pankreatisches Hormon | 20140622142201 | 3314 | 1698130 | Q246978 | |||||
Pankreatitis | 20140710145333 | 22811 | 135948 | Q1527888 | Pancreatitis | 20140702032158 | 25941 | 63547 | Q1527888 |
Pankreopriv | 20130522154250 | 1119 | 81186 | Q2049605 | |||||
Papilla duodeni minor | 20140110234653 | 1532 | 5303519 | Q1133840 | Minor duodenal papilla | 20140701150955 | 3277 | 14114606 | Q1133840 |
Paul-Langerhans-Medaille | 20140505154842 | 5592 | 877884 | Q1443256 | |||||
Pen (Spritze) | 20140125002520 | 3002 | 1745651 | Q2000277 | Insulin pen | 20140521203940 | 5126 | 2241286 | Q2000277 |
Peter Fasching | 20140709204331 | 1545 | 6575804 | Q1270493 | |||||
Philip Medford LeCompte | 20140619234641 | 4684 | 4235010 | Q2086345 | |||||
Pioglitazon | 20140628172237 | 12998 | 2418962 | Q417765 | Pioglitazone | 20140704013705 | 25349 | 606999 | Q417765 |
PLI-Test | 20140707115122 | 1108 | 3998432 | Q2044353 | |||||
Präproinsulin | 20130403213347 | 114 | 2178677 | ||||||
Priscilla White | 20140619234641 | 7215 | 5514038 | Q2110913 | Priscilla White (physician) | 20140701193528 | 3960 | 12975276 | Q2110913 |
Proinsulin | 20140401123628 | 1395 | 361730 | Q426173 | Proinsulin | 20140701150955 | 5837 | 249971 | Q426173 |
Rosiglitazon | 20140608230813 | 14591 | 2611538 | Q424771 | Rosiglitazone | 20140704013705 | 56199 | 604046 | Q424771 |
Schwangerschaftsdiabetes | 20140612192609 | 12199 | 311211 | Q126691 | Gestational diabetes | 20140702032158 | 38054 | 697890 | Q126691 |
Schweizerische Diabetes-Gesellschaft | 20130522163654 | 2250 | 5555955 | Q2256448 | |||||
Sekretin | 20140708154722 | 3196 | 294434 | Q422301 | |||||
SGLT-2-Hemmer | 20140525064444 | 6453 | 2852480 | Q1429156 | |||||
Sitagliptin | 20140608230813 | 12348 | 2351085 | Q419832 | Sitagliptin | 20140701150955 | 10921 | 5403269 | Q419832 |
Somatostatin | 20140622142201 | 5247 | 206192 | Q407166 | |||||
Somatostatinom | 20140707200840 | 6829 | 3625633 | Q1736456 | |||||
Somogyi-Effekt | 20140513203704 | 1281 | 1752776 | Q1467170 | Chronic Somogyi rebound | 20140421084640 | 7986 | 10398303 | Q1467170 |
Stechhilfe | 20140603144052 | 2877 | 3550298 | Q2335475 | |||||
Stefan R. Bornstein | 20140624144640 | 9391 | 8254776 | Q17126504 | |||||
Streptozocin | 20140619234641 | 8095 | 2090656 | Q257331 | |||||
Sulfonylharnstoffe | 20140706144930 | 5381 | 222801 | Q418776 | Sulfonylurea | 20140630193551 | 15816 | 732108 | Q418776 |
Theodore Ryder | 20140619234641 | 6206 | 3297722 | Q2418680 | |||||
TLI-Test | 20140707115423 | 1712 | 2025994 | Q2384507 | |||||
Tolbutamid | 20140608230813 | 3337 | 552760 | Q414275 | Tolbutamide | 20140701150955 | 14858 | 1860117 | Q414275 |
Topinambur | 20140628044910 | 32430 | 5258773 | Q146190 | |||||
Trypsin | 20140622142201 | 5393 | 135752 | Q127450 | |||||
Verbliebene Eigensekretionsrate | 20140125002344 | 1225 | 76687 | Q1326586 | |||||
Verdauungsenzym | 20140615125838 | 2736 | 342257 | Q419557 | |||||
Verner-Morrison-Syndrom | 20140511204513 | 3369 | 1684013 | Q1518637 | |||||
Vildagliptin | 20140612162324 | 13754 | 3008477 | Q421042 | Vildagliptin | 20140701150955 | 9408 | 5402229 | Q421042 |
Weltdiabetestag | 20140428152423 | 8354 | 3057895 | Q26466 | World Diabetes Day | 20140521203940 | 3415 | 14242961 | Q26466 |
William Parry Murphy | 20140629084602 | 1300 | 237554 | Q80323 | |||||
Willy Gepts | 20140619234641 | 6271 | 4233985 | Q1919385 | |||||
Xylitol | 20140702130610 | 18918 | 194639 | Q212093 | |||||
Yngve A. A. Larsson | 20140710182543 | 1157 | 8229940 | Q5939059 | Yngve A. A. Larsson | 20140703130510 | 3926 | 42323776 | Q5939059 |
Zdenko Škrabalo | 20140628233114 | 3213 | 8058211 | Q3508970 | |||||
Zentrales Diabetesregister der DDR | 20140619234641 | 4613 | 4823267 | Q190420 | |||||
Zentraleuropäische Diabetesgesellschaft | 20140115192832 | 3170 | 3712037 | Q190467 | |||||
Zentralinstitut für Diabetes | 20140626103334 | 23062 | 1030369 | Q190605 | |||||
Zimt | 20140708135450 | 16508 | 12977 | Q28165 | |||||
1,5-Anhydroglucitol | 20140627135236 | 8617 | 24465587 | Q4545703 | |||||
65 Redroses | 20140701150955 | 5484 | 26823651 | Q4642107 | |||||
A.K. Nazmul Karim | 20140701150955 | 7478 | 34910422 | Q4647229 | |||||
Acarviosin | 20140701150955 | 2191 | 33914068 | Q4672157 | |||||
Ductus pancreaticus accessorius | Accessory pancreatic duct | 20140704031819 | 1673 | 4763692 | Q2037774 | ||||
Accu-chek | 20140704031819 | 4879 | 2725233 | Q4672892 | |||||
Acetohexamide | 20140704031819 | 2978 | 2845657 | Q4673274 | |||||
Acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas | 20140702032158 | 2756 | 34392488 | Q4674158 | |||||
Acute pancreatitis | 20140702032158 | 42228 | 1035086 | Q854573 | |||||
Adolf Krössing | 20140701193528 | 5292 | 24058525 | Q4684131 | |||||
Adventures for the Cure | 20140701150955 | 3659 | 22881629 | Q4686596 | |||||
AIDA interactive educational freeware diabetes simulator | 20140620131615 | 40330 | 8121243 | Q4651849 | |||||
Akiyama Yoshifuru | 20140701150955 | 8033 | 738197 | Q419492 | |||||
Albie Grant | 20140701150955 | 5681 | 31891760 | Q4712350 | |||||
Albiglutide | 20140704031819 | 4848 | 20735586 | Q4712362 | |||||
Aleksandr Porokhovshchikov | 20140704031819 | 1651 | 35552454 | Q1967550 | |||||
Alexidine | 20140704031819 | 2592 | 41672593 | Q15633921 | |||||
Alfonso López Trujillo | 20140701193528 | 8801 | 1687710 | Q434146 | |||||
Alfredo d'Escragnolle Taunay, Viscount of Taunay | 20140701193528 | 9668 | 1812323 | Q1787960 | |||||
Alice Martineau | 20140701150955 | 5689 | 4964782 | Q2836617 | |||||
Alogliptin | 20140701150955 | 11609 | 15131179 | Q4734170 | |||||
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitor | 20140619190204 | 8322 | 5754221 | Q4734932 | |||||
Alrestatin | 20140704031819 | 2838 | 37278273 | Q4735714 | |||||
Amir Vahedi | 20140701150955 | 5025 | 1021302 | Q2622191 | |||||
Ammo Baba | 20140701193528 | 14278 | 3972063 | Q473313 | |||||
Ampulla of Vater | 20140701150955 | 3570 | 3033675 | Q594066 | |||||
Anagliptin | 20140704031819 | 3421 | 40954496 | Q15269682 | |||||
Anders Daae (physician) | 20140704031819 | 4254 | 25877194 | Q4753753 | |||||
Andi Meriem Matalatta | 20140629104951 | 1981 | 27827652 | Q4263309 | |||||
Andrew Gonzalez | 20140701193528 | 10740 | 5963758 | Q3707023 | |||||
Ann Lowdon Call | 20140704031819 | 2510 | 2865146 | Q4766518 | |||||
Anna Prieto Sandoval | 20140701150955 | 7289 | 29601230 | Q4767416 | |||||
Antonia García de Videgain | 20140701150955 | 5201 | 31577170 | Q4776236 | |||||
Arai Ikunosuke | 20140701150955 | 4288 | 5886696 | Q2813872 | |||||
Archibald Gracie IV | 20140703111845 | 12490 | 7424477 | Q633168 | |||||
Arnoldo Castillo | 20140629105353 | 6669 | 27729910 | Q6388637 | |||||
Arthur Bell (journalist) | 20140701193528 | 4157 | 21367430 | Q4797969 | |||||
Arthur Lee "Red" Smiley | 20140701193528 | 2441 | 19030107 | Q4799471 | |||||
Artie Shaw | 20140703122348 | 20909 | 191320 | Q320065 | |||||
Aspergillusol A | 20140704031819 | 2066 | 40763505 | Q15410261 | |||||
Association Grégory Lemarchal | 20140604163241 | 129 | 13532438 | ||||||
Ataluren | 20140701150955 | 5927 | 13883630 | Q753330 | |||||
Atherogenic Diabetic Dyslipidemia (ADD) | 20140623035538 | 13639 | 43041740 | ||||||
Atherogenic dyslipidemia | 20140616094355 | 2718 | 42763220 | ||||||
Atkins diet | 20140703104311 | 47299 | 84121 | Q756030 | |||||
Atkins Nutritionals | 20140521203940 | 4669 | 2354250 | Q4815893 | |||||
Australian Diabetes Council | 20140701150955 | 7454 | 38034720 | Q4824088 | |||||
Autoimmune pancreatitis | 20140606142448 | 10442 | 6993383 | Q2267451 | |||||
Avrohom Blumenkrantz | 20140701193528 | 4362 | 10011375 | Q4829502 | |||||
Ayub K. Ommaya | 20140701193528 | 22460 | 12969703 | Q793337 | |||||
B. H. Roberts | 20140701193528 | 34524 | 659742 | Q447850 | |||||
Babatunde Olatunji | 20140703013433 | 13885 | 210984 | Q797599 | |||||
Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute | 20140701202044 | 22058 | 20421434 | Q4849161 | |||||
Bangladesh Institute of Research and Rehabilitation for Diabetes, Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders | 20140704031819 | 1040 | 4578913 | Q4855319 | |||||
Banting Lectures | 20140421084640 | 2554 | 12578528 | Q4857235 | |||||
Bardoxolone methyl | 20140701150955 | 9397 | 23945739 | Q4860208 | |||||
Barry Halper | 20140630061050 | 16176 | 14283931 | Q4864290 | |||||
Barry Posner (physician) | 20140701150955 | 4670 | 4264671 | Q4864617 | |||||
Barthold Fles | 20140701193528 | 27603 | 13564460 | Q4865199 | |||||
Bartholomew Ulufa'alu | 20140623164000 | 10194 | 4809071 | Q809332 | |||||
Barton Center for Diabetes Education | 20140629230302 | 6996 | 10749118 | Q4865600 | |||||
Basal (medicine) | 20140704031819 | 799 | 4438427 | Q4866177 | |||||
Bernard Bonnin | 20140701193528 | 5163 | 25191591 | Q822318 | |||||
Bernard Dowiyogo | 20140704053220 | 6142 | 200119 | Q715836 | |||||
Bernardo Houssay | 20140701193528 | 7727 | 252453 | Q237160 | |||||
Bettino Craxi | 20140701193528 | 23077 | 312989 | Q192818 | |||||
Bheki Mseleku | 20140701193528 | 6867 | 13246614 | Q854935 | |||||
Big Bad Smitty | 20140701193528 | 2551 | 26168400 | Q15438156 | |||||
Big Joe Duskin | 20140701193528 | 8705 | 25716704 | Q858962 | |||||
Big Maybelle | 20140701193528 | 7902 | 524048 | Q276609 | |||||
Bill Williams (game designer) | 20140704031819 | 3232 | 1284179 | Q2903400 | |||||
Billy Henderson (American singer) | 20140622025420 | 2741 | 9307478 | Q664029 | |||||
Bisbiguanide | 20140704031819 | 1135 | 15740865 | Q4917214 | |||||
Blaster Bates | 20140701193528 | 8491 | 2854586 | Q4925409 | |||||
Blood glucose monitoring | 20140703100818 | 23061 | 56557 | Q4927806 | |||||
Blood lancet | 20140606142448 | 1654 | 833835 | Q1805666 | |||||
Blood sugar regulation | 20140619190204 | 11125 | 9125999 | Q3455903 | |||||
Bo Diddley | 20140701193528 | 47936 | 5033 | Q208881 | |||||
Bo Mya | 20140701193528 | 5918 | 3118908 | Q652483 | |||||
Bob Ferguson (American football) | 20140702142605 | 4849 | 10232328 | Q4932408 | |||||
Bob Flanagan | 20140702101143 | 7274 | 314245 | Q887919 | |||||
Bob Weinstock | 20140701193528 | 7920 | 3805078 | Q325147 | |||||
Bobby Ávila | 20140703172811 | 7359 | 843919 | Q4935765 | |||||
Bobby Bennett (The Famous Flames) | 20140701150955 | 22259 | 36049926 | Q4934766 | |||||
Bobby Rogers | 20140704004327 | 13164 | 2403441 | Q3436314 | |||||
Body of pancreas | 20140704031819 | 1453 | 6938916 | Q4936946 | |||||
Boleslav Mlodzeevskii | 20140622032121 | 2856 | 25428587 | Q4298704 | |||||
Boomer Esiason Foundation | 20140609131136 | 98 | 14341727 | ||||||
Bozo Miller | 20140629105116 | 3686 | 5780676 | Q4952873 | |||||
Buck Ewing | 20140703193936 | 6928 | 620841 | Q1562569 | |||||
Buddy Hackett | 20140701193528 | 16456 | 255937 | Q558333 | |||||
Buformin | 20140701150955 | 12138 | 8871506 | Q715104 | |||||
Buster Benton | 20140701193528 | 7564 | 25754407 | Q5002129 | |||||
C. Eric Lincoln | 20140622032549 | 4889 | 34368216 | Q5006427 | |||||
Camp Sweeney | 20140629230302 | 3833 | 4564556 | Q5027621 | |||||
Canadian Diabetes Association | 20140704031819 | 1865 | 2675547 | Q5029947 | |||||
Canagliflozin | 20140703163646 | 8711 | 23888680 | Q5030940 | |||||
Captain Novolin | 20140701150955 | 5378 | 2248894 | Q2937649 | |||||
CarbSmart ice cream products | 20140630031307 | 135 | 15321950 | ||||||
Cardiovascular disease and diabetes in Australia | 20140521203940 | 3896 | 30642420 | Q5038735 | |||||
Carol Haney | 20140701193528 | 6638 | 144833 | Q5044357 | |||||
Carola Scarpa | 20140704031819 | 1317 | 31041486 | Q939050 | |||||
Carrie Ingalls | 20140701150955 | 4357 | 1995807 | Q3174148 | |||||
Carroll O'Connor | 20140701193528 | 36760 | 245805 | Q555487 | |||||
Casey Johnson | 20140701193528 | 12603 | 25389397 | Q2579013 | |||||
Certified diabetes educator | 20140704031819 | 2195 | 7814018 | Q5065259 | |||||
CFTR inhibitory factor | 20140521203940 | 7765 | 30427655 | Q5010864 | |||||
Charles Alfred Drury | 20140622032549 | 2271 | 9462040 | Q5075062 | |||||
Charles Austin Gardner | 20140701193528 | 4036 | 5834808 | Q2067524 | |||||
Charles Blondin | 20140701193528 | 10919 | 1304527 | Q860180 | |||||
Charles Chibitty | 20140701193528 | 5726 | 2283501 | Q5076226 | |||||
Charles Demuth | 20140701193528 | 10825 | 325608 | Q380494 | |||||
Charles Hollenberg | 20140701150955 | 3323 | 3606999 | Q5079089 | |||||
Charles R. Brayton | 20140703205443 | 9023 | 15446276 | Q5081813 | |||||
Charles Tidwell | 20140701150955 | 9640 | 19205357 | Q5082952 | |||||
Charlie Williams (umpire) | 20140624040354 | 3160 | 2825011 | Q5085711 | |||||
Chiang Wei-kuo | 20140701150955 | 22178 | 412959 | Q701020 | |||||
Child Health International | 20140704031819 | 2485 | 9363875 | Q5097734 | |||||
Chitti Babu (actor) | 20140704031819 | 3779 | 17505912 | Q5102498 | |||||
Chlorhexidine | 20140701150955 | 16810 | 900138 | Q408794 | |||||
Chlorproguanil | 20140704031819 | 1252 | 24003817 | Q5103229 | |||||
Christian Maronga | 20140704031819 | 1995 | 3290809 | Q5109884 | |||||
Christopher Hewett | 20140701193528 | 8309 | 579598 | Q331503 | |||||
Chromium in glucose metabolism | 20140530052621 | 18960 | 38599073 | Q17006714 | |||||
Chronic pancreatitis | 20140702032158 | 9059 | 1035125 | Q1996053 | |||||
Ciglitazone | 20140704031819 | 5426 | 616881 | Q5119890 | |||||
Clarence Paul | 20140704031819 | 3553 | 2553865 | Q2098858 | |||||
Claudia McNeil | 20140701193528 | 9143 | 16884964 | Q2978416 | |||||
Clickfine pen needles | 20140521203940 | 4184 | 34500004 | Q5132449 | |||||
Complications of diabetes mellitus | 20140702032158 | 26548 | 25370267 | Q4198677 | |||||
Congenital absence of the vas deferens | 20140702054926 | 4411 | 5137886 | Q1561647 | |||||
Congenital hyperinsulinism | 20140606142448 | 11371 | 1306596 | Q5160437 | |||||
Consensus error grid | 20140306200313 | 964 | 18477047 | Q5162846 | |||||
Constance Peel | 20140701150955 | 7726 | 41780955 | Q15968251 | |||||
Constant Lambert | 20140703183600 | 11476 | 149893 | Q731407 | |||||
Conventional insulinotherapy | 20140704031819 | 1449 | 6105 | Q5166319 | |||||
Cork Hubbert | 20140701193528 | 2683 | 27775587 | Q5170792 | |||||
Craig Slocum | 20140704031819 | 2725 | 1346429 | Q5181456 | |||||
Crazy Ray | 20140701150955 | 4052 | 5994149 | Q5183240 | |||||
Curtis Mayfield | 20140701193528 | 29633 | 164479 | Q310170 | |||||
Cystic Fibrosis Canada | 20140701150955 | 5385 | 30139268 | Q5201206 | |||||
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation | 20140704031819 | 3420 | 5145289 | Q649126 | |||||
Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator | 20140703165205 | 28429 | 1230676 | Q420470 | |||||
Cystic Fibrosis Trust | 20140521203940 | 4532 | 1490631 | Q5201207 | |||||
Cystic fibrosis | 20140702032158 | 98368 | 50601 | Q178194 | |||||
Cystic fibrosis-related diabetes | 20140702032158 | 1415 | 34160203 | Q5201210 | |||||
Cystic lesions of the pancreas | 20140619190204 | 1086 | 41883907 | Q15733958 | |||||
Dale Sommers | 20140629105158 | 6693 | 9624940 | Q5210638 | |||||
Dan Alderson | 20140622031504 | 3825 | 9506350 | Q3013008 | |||||
Dana Hill | 20140701193528 | 13001 | 1680153 | Q455947 | |||||
Daniel Burke (executive) | 20140701150955 | 3398 | 33567650 | Q5216691 | |||||
Daniel Escobar | 20140704031819 | 1960 | 3251910 | Q5218519 | |||||
Daniel G. Rollins | 20140622032804 | 4955 | 26670417 | Q5217223 | |||||
Daniel L. Norris | 20140623164000 | 4922 | 913221 | Q5217852 | |||||
Darglitazone | 20140701150955 | 3277 | 26919897 | Q5222642 | |||||
Dave Cockrum | 20140701193528 | 20240 | 618744 | Q902536 | |||||
David Bromige | 20140703144331 | 11799 | 251786 | Q5231780 | |||||
David Cunliffe-Lister, 2nd Earl of Swinton | 20140627184004 | 4486 | 4555218 | Q335349 | |||||
David Hurwitz (physician) | 20140701150955 | 8191 | 37252920 | Q16012803 | |||||
David Peaston | 20140701193528 | 5534 | 5935808 | Q5238479 | |||||
David S. Broder | 20140701193528 | 21244 | 915720 | Q166604 | |||||
Denise Faustman | 20140629154618 | 19334 | 1149818 | Q5257662 | |||||
Dennis Ferguson | 20140701150955 | 21286 | 24438953 | Q5258406 | |||||
DESMOND (diabetes) | 20140624022012 | 2004 | 15567987 | Q5204864 | |||||
Development of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors | 20140630061050 | 48361 | 20208243 | Q5266764 | |||||
Diabetes and Inflammation Laboratory | 20140521203940 | 1284 | 32572089 | Q5270120 | |||||
Diabetes Australia | 20140701150955 | 5330 | 14579684 | Q17003041 | |||||
Diabetes control and complications trial | 20140330122652 | 8760 | 6291209 | Q5270124 | |||||
Diabetes detection dogs | 20140616094355 | 1676 | 31875180 | Q5270125 | |||||
Diabetes Hands Foundation | 20140701150955 | 22842 | 28399562 | Q5270113 | |||||
Diabetes Health Profile | 20140616094355 | 5655 | 32818029 | Q5270115 | |||||
Diabetes Health | 20140704031819 | 1469 | 10527549 | Q5270114 | |||||
Diabetes management | 20140630061050 | 96378 | 2966520 | Q2089287 | |||||
Diabetes mellitus and pregnancy | 20140624022012 | 10939 | 3049655 | Q2777805 | |||||
Diabetes mellitus type 1 | 20140702190626 | 53645 | 2812725 | Q124407 | |||||
Diabetes mellitus type 2 | 20140702032158 | 48237 | 154502 | Q3025883 | |||||
Diabetes Mine | 20140630061050 | 3225 | 15278077 | Q5270116 | |||||
Diabetes UK | 20140701150955 | 6049 | 1490650 | Q5270118 | ||||| | 20140703083909 | 6752 | 42167471 | Q17085159 | |||||
Diabetic cardiomyopathy | 20140627105458 | 33837 | 18113832 | Q5270132 | |||||
Diabetic diet (low-carb) | 20140422145157 | 85 | 18783006 | ||||||
Diabetic diet | 20140624022012 | 34147 | 6552991 | Q2572045 | |||||
Diabetic foot ulcer | 20140624022044 | 34670 | 43129588 | Q52859 | |||||
Diabetic Hypoglycemia (journal) | 20140618232708 | 2021 | 25189151 | Q5270128 | |||||
Diabetic hypoglycemia | 20140702032158 | 20586 | 1763662 | Q3141863 | |||||
Diabetic ketoacidosis | 20140702032158 | 27252 | 56526 | Q877827 | |||||
Diabetic myonecrosis | 20140624022012 | 5792 | 6670178 | Q5270136 | |||||
Diabetic neuropathy | 20140702032158 | 36267 | 515064 | Q2046550 | |||||
Diabetic Rockstar Inc | 20140616094355 | 3154 | 28553374 | Q5270126 | |||||
Diabetic shoe | 20140521203940 | 2346 | 17697723 | Q5270137 | |||||
Diabetic sock | 20140704031819 | 2360 | 11093813 | Q4160987 | |||||
Diabetic stiff hand syndrome | 20140704031819 | 199 | 34589905 | Q5270139 | |||||
Diabetology | 20140704031819 | 1392 | 512599 | Q2569206 | |||||
Diabulimia | 20140619064041 | 14153 | 12093625 | Q5270210 | |||||
Dick Rowe | 20140704031819 | 3014 | 4421446 | Q5273325 | |||||
Diet-induced obese | 20140704031819 | 689 | 18524446 | Q5275043 | |||||
Dilwyn Lewis | 20140629105158 | 2739 | 26552148 | Q5277103 | |||||
Distal intestinal obstruction syndrome | 20140704031819 | 1676 | 5137557 | Q5282842 | |||||
DLife | 20140606142448 | 3101 | 20613327 | Q5205575 | |||||
Dom DeLuise | 20140701193528 | 20773 | 546740 | Q348209 | |||||
Don Cornell | 20140701193528 | 6451 | 517068 | Q558602 | |||||
Don Walser | 20140701193528 | 8632 | 3463005 | Q1239567 | |||||
Donald McPherson (figure skater) | 20140704031819 | 5823 | 4181260 | Q538971 | |||||
Dorothy Hansine Andersen | 20140701150955 | 4027 | 3037173 | Q469231 | |||||
Douglas Campbell (actor) | 20140701193528 | 7423 | 5401788 | Q1989397 | |||||
Douglas Spencer | 20140701193528 | 4457 | 2782787 | Q1252512 | |||||
Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre | 20140701150955 | 7558 | 41995421 | Q17052049 | |||||
Ductal cells | 20140619190204 | 443 | 29506574 | Q5311600 | |||||
Dulaglutide | 20140704031819 | 2668 | 42627391 | Q16967404 | |||||
Dusty Rhodes (outfielder) | 20140704055757 | 4599 | 2803220 | Q5317206 | |||||
Dutch Mason | 20140701193528 | 4485 | 8866128 | Q5317342 | |||||
E. S. S. Raman | 20140701150955 | 8620 | 36721565 | Q3929486 | |||||
Earl King | 20140701193528 | 10994 | 232629 | Q931607 | |||||
Edith Massey | 20140701193528 | 8031 | 1036650 | Q2734027 | |||||
Edmonton protocol | 20140619190204 | 6893 | 3889430 | Q5339216 | |||||
Edward "Little Buster" Forehand | 20140701193528 | 4509 | 9423488 | Q5341423 | |||||
Edward Ennis | 20140704031819 | 4847 | 39827302 | Q16012415 | |||||
Edward Grady Partin | 20140701150955 | 15913 | 27273625 | Q5343146 | |||||
Edward L. Masry | 20140704031819 | 3078 | 2117550 | Q1282417 | |||||
Edwin Corning | 20140622030307 | 7376 | 6765333 | Q1294489 | |||||
El Brazo | 20140701150955 | 16474 | 23757368 | Q5350838 | |||||
Ella Fitzgerald | 20140703110938 | 45498 | 50350 | Q1768 | |||||
Ellen Kuzwayo | 20140704031819 | 3279 | 4880941 | Q3671997 | |||||
Empagliflozin | 20140701150955 | 6118 | 37113247 | Q5373824 | |||||
ENDIA | 20140618232708 | 4170 | 42125815 | Q17119092 | |||||
Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases Information Service | 20140606142448 | 622 | 9654047 | Q5376306 | |||||
Englitazone | 20140701150955 | 1298 | 26972282 | Q5378714 | |||||
Enzo Siciliano | 20140704031819 | 1829 | 5490360 | Q1180362 | |||||
Epidemiology of diabetes mellitus | 20140610104614 | 12741 | 39550875 | Q17155720 | |||||
Epsilon cell | 20140704031819 | 1394 | 7825070 | Q4532277 | |||||
Eric Dolphy | 20140701193528 | 27491 | 72697 | Q367508 | |||||
Ernst Günther | 20140704031819 | 2331 | 27988242 | Q3427861 | |||||
Erol Taş | 20140704031819 | 1730 | 26270361 | Q558853 | |||||
Esther Rolle | 20140701193528 | 15640 | 400778 | Q465676 | |||||
Esther Sandoval | 20140701150955 | 6857 | 4047056 | Q538352 | |||||
Eugène Ysaÿe | 20140701193528 | 22115 | 274754 | Q312857 | |||||
Evel Knievel | 20140701193528 | 71088 | 66427 | Q345231 | |||||
Exocrine pancreas cell | 20140619190204 | 533 | 16256089 | Q5420523 | |||||
F. D. Reeve | 20140703144331 | 9182 | 23136909 | Q5423738 | |||||
Faisal Masud | 20140701150955 | 17200 | 9809735 | Q5431068 | |||||
Ferdinand Eidman | 20140622033127 | 2806 | 37564851 | Q5443828 | |||||
Fibrocalculous pancreatopathy | 20140601174946 | 1629 | 38806211 | Q17093077 | |||||
Fibrosing colonopathy | 20140521203940 | 2269 | 26435520 | Q5446478 | |||||
Fight Forever Foundation | 20140701150955 | 3733 | 23961196 | Q5447741 | |||||
Filippo Smaldone | 20140704031819 | 2405 | 7461936 | Q1414001 | |||||
First Nations and diabetes | 20140624022012 | 9308 | 36825148 | Q5453436 | |||||
Fit4D | 20140616094355 | 2306 | 25295653 | Q5455371 | |||||
Florence Mars | 20140701193528 | 2881 | 4887281 | Q5460703 | |||||
Florentino Ameghino | 20140701193528 | 7483 | 2623642 | Q503416 | |||||
Fluorescent glucose biosensor | 20140630061050 | 54693 | 29221300 | Q5462822 | |||||
Francis II of the Two Sicilies | 20140701150955 | 12921 | 371325 | Q206223 | |||||
Frank Fulco | 20140623164000 | 12736 | 14403966 | Q16014374 | |||||
Frank Martínez (artist) | 20140701193528 | 5896 | 40461144 | Q15429511 | |||||
Frank Wilkeson | 20140701193528 | 6874 | 19651498 | Q5490362 | |||||
Frank Wilson (Australian actor) | 20140704031819 | 3289 | 3024707 | Q5490413 | |||||
Frankie Abernathy | 20140701150955 | 6079 | 11739463 | Q4054695 | |||||
Frankie Knuckles | 20140701193528 | 17865 | 389670 | Q205322 | |||||
Fred J. Christensen | 20140701150955 | 13469 | 10101551 | Q5495550 | |||||
Fred Karno | 20140701150955 | 8102 | 343176 | Q969031 | |||||
Frédéric Etsou-Nzabi-Bamungwabi | 20140701193528 | 4273 | 1680839 | Q596379 | |||||
Frederick Madison Allen | 20140701193528 | 7255 | 15445962 | Q5498341 | |||||
Frey's syndrome | 20140702032158 | 4279 | 5906709 | Q1431371 | |||||
Fundus photography | 20140701150955 | 8570 | 13863144 | Q1144413 | |||||
GAD antibodies | 20140515205559 | 74 | 11864155 | ||||||
Gastric inhibitory polypeptide | 20140701150955 | 6730 | 1595278 | Q419977 | |||||
Gemigliptin | 20140701150955 | 10394 | 35066597 | Q5530612 | |||||
Genetic causes of diabetes mellitus type 1 | 20140606142448 | 1438 | 41128626 | Q17043255 | |||||
Genetic causes of diabetes mellitus type 2 | 20140521203940 | 7110 | 34284246 | Q5532880 | |||||
George Alberti | 20140704031819 | 3989 | 8263176 | Q5536135 | |||||
George Brizan | 20140703174534 | 6763 | 14714471 | Q550570 | |||||
George Dantzig | 20140703183223 | 20432 | 13111 | Q337040 | |||||
George Hislop | 20140622033200 | 6068 | 2397645 | Q5540633 | |||||
George Livingston | 20140622035359 | 5797 | 34432329 | Q16019449 | |||||
George McLeay | 20140701150955 | 7576 | 14097801 | Q5542345 | |||||
George Mikan | 20140704080408 | 30539 | 305897 | Q314185 | |||||
German Diabetes Center Mergentheim | 20140701150955 | 7827 | 33238348 | Q2675657 | |||||
Gilbert Lani Kauhi | 20140701150955 | 4231 | 1022793 | Q5561047 | |||||
Glibornuride | 20140704031819 | 1449 | 23293640 | Q3772225 | |||||
Glicaramide | 20140704031819 | 1738 | 26520967 | Q5569545 | |||||
Gliclazide | 20140701150955 | 12400 | 5360146 | Q290001 | |||||
Glipizide | 20140701150955 | 3704 | 253715 | Q3108899 | |||||
Gliquidone | 20140704031819 | 2606 | 7066173 | Q5569924 | |||||
Glisoxepide | 20140704031819 | 2187 | 23293629 | Q5569932 | |||||
Gloria E. Anzaldúa | 20140701193528 | 30075 | 1480772 | Q3109110 | |||||
Gloria Foster | 20140701193528 | 15226 | 237438 | Q455234 | |||||
Glory Enough for All | 20140704031819 | 897 | 29090097 | Q5571591 | |||||
Glossary of diabetes | 20140624022012 | 114776 | 56345 | Q4423793 | |||||
Glucagon rescue | 20140606142448 | 9794 | 8288453 | Q5572297 | |||||
Glucagon-like peptide-1 agonist | 20140619190204 | 11433 | 21066354 | Q5572286 | |||||
Glucerna | 20140606223842 | 4119 | 33561479 | Q5572304 | |||||
Glucommander | 20140630061050 | 5444 | 31102283 | Q5572319 | |||||
Gluconeogenesis | 20140622132832 | 20334 | 248671 | Q191835 | |||||
Glucose clamp technique | 20140701150955 | 3346 | 25986183 | Q2975183 | |||||
Glycemic efficacy | 20140606142448 | 1698 | 35658373 | Q5572520 | |||||
Glycemic load | 20140521203940 | 10301 | 1074264 | Q1929014 | |||||
Glycemic | 20140614153606 | 4000 | 962792 | Q5572518 | |||||
Glyclopyramide | 20140704031819 | 2128 | 18680899 | Q5572593 | |||||
Glycogenolysis | 20140619190204 | 3752 | 353805 | Q680603 | |||||
Gorilla Monsoon | 20140702123241 | 26445 | 1467285 | Q705172 | |||||
Grace Ingalls | 20140701150955 | 3712 | 1995893 | Q3174115 | |||||
Great Strides | 20140704031819 | 782 | 22486076 | Q5600049 | |||||
Greg Burson | 20140701150955 | 8515 | 18816781 | Q2735756 | |||||
Greg Calvert | 20140701193528 | 5026 | 3411433 | Q5605385 | |||||
Gregory Hesse | 20140622033305 | 1974 | 15152294 | Q5606962 | |||||
Grégory Lemarchal | 20140701193528 | 16327 | 4601789 | Q297453 | |||||
Gregory Slay | 20140622072914 | 6730 | 25730883 | Q3041948 | |||||
GSK716155 | 20140616094355 | 6357 | 17380296 | Q5514567 | |||||
Gulf Diabetes Specialist Center | 20140618232708 | 3124 | 21367287 | Q5617481 | |||||
Guy Stockwell | 20140701193528 | 3436 | 8400028 | Q436069 | |||||
H. S. Wong | 20140622023654 | 5526 | 32296121 | Q262117 | |||||
Hakushū Kitahara | 20140701193528 | 8777 | 187942 | Q1066026 | |||||
Hal B. Wallis | 20140703225122 | 11013 | 1025115 | Q472520 | |||||
Hal Clement | 20140701193528 | 12586 | 13895 | Q453329 | |||||
Hal Fowler | 20140704031819 | 3995 | 984096 | Q1383403 | |||||
Ham Richardson | 20140701150955 | 6940 | 3628235 | Q2740871 | |||||
Hank Stram | 20140703194628 | 20033 | 330259 | Q1575579 | |||||
Hans Villius | 20140703141658 | 6210 | 2171452 | Q5650794 | |||||
Happy Pieterse | 20140704031819 | 2244 | 39499152 | Q15993383 | |||||
Harmonica Frank | 20140701193528 | 6469 | 7439346 | Q1585614 | |||||
Harry J. Sonneborn | 20140622033339 | 4995 | 1474952 | Q5669984 | |||||
Harry J | 20140701193528 | 8816 | 3887969 | Q13657482 | |||||
Haystacks Calhoun | 20140701193528 | 13404 | 1436852 | Q4019955 | |||||
Head of pancreas | 20140704031819 | 1725 | 6938874 | Q3985171 | |||||
Helene Hanff | 20140701193528 | 8701 | 3053101 | Q297542 | |||||
Hemosuccus pancreaticus | 20140702032158 | 13876 | 6999823 | Q5712583 | |||||
Hereditary pancreatitis | 20140702032158 | 10427 | 5565461 | Q4346659 | |||||
Hibiscus tea | 20140630230317 | 11973 | 5930197 | Q940047 | |||||
Hilla Limann | 20140701193528 | 6691 | 1268800 | Q50997 | |||||
History of diabetes | 20140701223241 | 12580 | 34345090 | Q5867735 | |||||
Homeostatic model assessment | 20140521203940 | 5810 | 3736220 | Q5889863 | |||||
Horace Nicholls | 20140704031819 | 2635 | 22292754 | Q5902025 | |||||
Hugo Steiner | 20140704031819 | 1843 | 3808154 | Q13636824 | |||||
Humulin | 20140629221138 | 3220 | 17229593 | Q2893248 | |||||
Hyperinsulinemia | 20140702032158 | 12252 | 1609070 | Q14375936 | |||||
Hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia | 20140619190204 | 9720 | 963582 | Q11612732 | |||||
Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state | 20140702032158 | 5416 | 4004900 | Q1828288 | |||||
Hyperosmolar syndrome | 20140624022012 | 1272 | 12100459 | Q5958427 | |||||
Hyperproinsulinemia | 20140619190204 | 1740 | 7967650 | Q5958530 | |||||
Iain Blair | 20140701150955 | 8084 | 32519093 | Q4787217 | |||||
Ian Marter | 20140703144331 | 8724 | 929556 | Q5907728 | |||||
Idiopathic hypoglycemia | 20140704031819 | 1372 | 65852 | Q10295820 | |||||
Imeglimin | 20140704031819 | 1997 | 28011347 | Q6003719 | |||||
Immunoreactive trypsinogen | 20140704031819 | 1335 | 10951713 | Q16999627 | |||||
Impaired fasting glucose | 20140702032158 | 7797 | 5386495 | Q3306264 | |||||
Impaired glucose tolerance | 20140702032158 | 4682 | 4767816 | Q2661464 | |||||
Ina Ray Hutton | 20140701193528 | 5840 | 10515148 | Q531823 | |||||
Inborn errors of carbohydrate metabolism | 20140702032158 | 5145 | 17190285 | Q6013981 | |||||
Infusion set | 20140606142448 | 5655 | 7815805 | Q16252735 | |||||
Inhalable insulin | 20140630061050 | 19397 | 3877211 | Q1821837 | |||||
Injection port | 20140411100754 | 2892 | 20603387 | Q6034299 | |||||
Insulin aspart | 20140701150955 | 10081 | 12923150 | Q2754775 | |||||
Insulin degludec | 20140701150955 | 10469 | 29508560 | Q16252338 | |||||
Insulin for Life USA | 20140701150955 | 10819 | 42804481 | Q16986471 | |||||
Insulin glulisine | 20140704031819 | 2789 | 9756329 | Q6042242 | |||||
Insulin port | 20140606142448 | 1105 | 11364916 | Q6042251 | |||||
Insulin shock therapy | 20140701150955 | 18141 | 2900960 | Q122694 | |||||
Insulitis | 20140704031819 | 1050 | 16821436 | Q922215 | |||||
Intensive insulinotherapy | 20140624022012 | 11730 | 14904 | Q16997110 | |||||
International Diabetes Center at Park Nicollet | 20140521203940 | 8551 | 35233822 | Q6050162 | |||||
International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes | 20140701150955 | 9587 | 24739403 | Q6053388 | |||||
Irving Weissman | 20140701193528 | 3523 | 17862511 | Q884581 | |||||
Isaac Smith Kalloch | 20140704031819 | 3152 | 7541524 | Q6077137 | |||||
Israel Shahak | 20140701193528 | 33947 | 113167 | Q379399 | |||||
Isuf Kalo | 20140606142448 | 2119 | 11568346 | Q6089427 | |||||
Ivacaftor | 20140701150955 | 13503 | 30995223 | Q6095693 | |||||
Ivan Jandl | 20140704031819 | 2583 | 804599 | Q364434 | |||||
J. H. M. Wigman | 20140622035359 | 1434 | 33917563 | Q16043634 | |||||
J. Robert Bradley | 20140704031819 | 2685 | 11050219 | Q15458294 | |||||
Jack Frazier | 20140622033447 | 1230 | 27068185 | Q6112581 | |||||
Jack Tatum | 20140702142605 | 20098 | 1684129 | Q687509 | |||||
James L. Farmer, Jr. | 20140701150955 | 20049 | 327306 | Q3806642 | |||||
James Mitose | 20140701193528 | 13217 | 3231328 | Q6139856 | |||||
James Snow | 20140701193528 | 6107 | 2901936 | Q15501013 | |||||
James T. Molloy | 20140622033521 | 6094 | 25965229 | Q6143954 | |||||
Jan Gies | 20140701150955 | 5331 | 2015827 | Q574496 | |||||
Jan Sterling | 20140701193528 | 10698 | 557496 | Q259581 | |||||
Jan Trefulka | 20140704031819 | 4081 | 18756497 | Q116013 | |||||
Jane Heap | 20140701193528 | 9075 | 9407341 | Q4497842 | |||||
Jane Wyman | 20140702193915 | 32493 | 183753 | Q95055 | |||||
Javier Tomeo | 20140704031819 | 3222 | 39775032 | Q1570571 | |||||
JDRF: Young Leadership Committee | 20140616094355 | 10470 | 27373599 | Q17088274 | |||||
Jeff Dwire | 20140701150955 | 6314 | 5899746 | Q4112619 | |||||
Jerry Garcia | 20140703155305 | 78236 | 75758 | Q312870 | |||||
Jerry Grant | 20140622035325 | 5829 | 5816497 | Q16019401 | |||||
Jesse Pintado | 20140701150955 | 5821 | 1853112 | Q1391146 | |||||
Jillian Lane | 20140628231634 | 3775 | 40842581 | Q15993185 | |||||
Jimmy Hutmaker | 20140701150955 | 4294 | 13588774 | Q6200423 | |||||
Jimmy Yancey | 20140703151917 | 7867 | 166060 | Q1346384 | |||||
Joan McCracken | 20140703144331 | 22219 | 3261430 | Q6205285 | |||||
Joe Dini | 20140701150955 | 5750 | 21466437 | Q6209523 | |||||
Joe Falls | 20140701193528 | 20214 | 903092 | Q6209766 | |||||
Joel Connable | 20140703094926 | 8969 | 4683583 | Q16019341 | |||||
John C. Ostlund | 20140701193528 | 10741 | 19206323 | Q6224579 | |||||
John Cook (musician) | 20140703131543 | 4853 | 21713249 | Q6227005 | |||||
John Dehner | 20140701193528 | 15027 | 3545880 | Q2017853 | |||||
John Ehrlichman | 20140701193528 | 11745 | 339375 | Q1699957 | |||||
John Howard Griffin | 20140701150955 | 10227 | 623141 | Q260879 | |||||
John L. Finley | 20140701150955 | 5142 | 7562382 | Q495624 | |||||
John McKay (American football) | 20140702142510 | 33461 | 2784772 | Q6247949 | |||||
John Milner Fothergill | 20140701150955 | 3921 | 32756799 | Q6248875 | |||||
John Osborne | 20140701193528 | 38576 | 167626 | Q313841 | |||||
John R. Cumpson | 20140704031819 | 2725 | 18462881 | Q3182329 | |||||
John Ralston Williams | 20140521204215 | 4809 | 29708700 | Q6254139 | |||||
John Roberts (businessman) | 20140629105314 | 3259 | 5514873 | Q6255181 | |||||
John Rutsey | 20140701150955 | 9126 | 16460 | Q2080409 | |||||
John Wilkinson (industrialist) | 20140703231950 | 16922 | 434977 | Q1204884 | |||||
John Wu | 20140702153734 | 5293 | 1870494 | Q717821 | |||||
Johnny Cash | 20140704073119 | 70654 | 11983070 | Q42775 | |||||
Jon Petrovich | 20140629105353 | 3526 | 30840819 | Q6271379 | |||||
Jordan da Costa | 20140704031819 | 1829 | 4561500 | Q6277190 | |||||
Jorge González (wrestler) | 20140701150955 | 11547 | 1179023 | Q420803 | |||||
Jorge Villamil | 20140701193528 | 7266 | 20167564 | Q1703948 | |||||
José López Rega | 20140701193528 | 10434 | 2671933 | Q1371282 | |||||
José Sulaimán | 20140701150955 | 5109 | 9912348 | Q3186572 | |||||
Joseph Bayer | 20140622033739 | 4724 | 37552873 | Q6281395 | |||||
Joseph D. Bryant | 20140701150955 | 8721 | 29404473 | Q6282411 | |||||
Joseph Ridgard Bagshawe | 20140622033811 | 4163 | 41800229 | Q6286556 | |||||
Joseph Sobran | 20140701193528 | 14081 | 1272937 | Q6287091 | |||||
Joseph V. Perry | 20140701150955 | 3179 | 15295380 | Q6287570 | |||||
Joslin Diabetes Center | 20140629230302 | 10594 | 1344337 | Q1708743 | |||||
Jothydev Kesavadev | 20140703111435 | 7218 | 13892889 | Q6294464 | |||||
Joyce Jillson | 20140701193528 | 3182 | 1044425 | Q6297532 | |||||
Juanita Hall | 20140701193528 | 6413 | 4906676 | Q6301550 | |||||
Judith Rossner | 20140701193528 | 6534 | 2087822 | Q10312711 | |||||
Juice Leskinen | 20140702103620 | 7644 | 940302 | Q948093 | |||||
Jules Verne | 20140704013447 | 85023 | 15770 | Q33977 | |||||
Julie Allred | 20140704031819 | 2522 | 12040721 | Q6308007 | |||||
Julio A. Garcia | 20140625031237 | 15388 | 19892373 | Q16018119 | |||||
Junior Murvin | 20140701193528 | 8354 | 4367858 | Q667881 | |||||
Justo Justo | 20140701150955 | 5956 | 36859021 | Q6318496 | |||||
Juvenile Diabetes Cure Alliance | 20140529114312 | 9018 | 40508514 | Q16998014 | |||||
K. T. Francis | 20140704031819 | 3136 | 4025425 | Q6324069 | |||||
Kanungo Institute of Diabetes Specialities | 20140704031819 | 1787 | 36128225 | Q6365669 | |||||
Kay Christopher | 20140701150955 | 3756 | 36722115 | Q6380164 | |||||
KE diet | 20140623173129 | 9053 | 42528947 | Q16852500 | |||||
Kerry Talmage | 20140704031819 | 2179 | 2487727 | Q6394669 | |||||
Ketogenic diet | 20140622100615 | 77340 | 791546 | Q1070684 | |||||
Ketosis-prone diabetes | 20140704031819 | 2479 | 37332479 | Q6395440 | |||||
Ketotic hypoglycemia | 20140521203940 | 7966 | 1504925 | Q6395443 | |||||
Kevin Humphreys (rugby league) | 20140629105353 | 6419 | 1954877 | Q6396538 | |||||
King Floyd | 20140701193528 | 6098 | 4440547 | Q6411578 | |||||
Kotozakura Masakatsu | 20140701150955 | 10451 | 9174881 | Q328816 | |||||
Kunio Lemari | 20140704031819 | 2750 | 4235500 | Q954205 | |||||
Lafayette Leake | 20140701193528 | 5827 | 17443501 | Q1800159 | |||||
Laminopathy | 20140619190204 | 23307 | 9342513 | Q3216770 | |||||
Larry Flynn | 20140701150955 | 4974 | 24102937 | Q6490318 | |||||
Larry H. Miller | 20140701193528 | 16373 | 3795473 | Q6490443 | |||||
Latent autoimmune diabetes of adults | 20140630061050 | 24586 | 3649454 | Q1797833 | |||||
Laura Ingalls Wilder | 20140702160745 | 38518 | 195722 | Q237514 | |||||
Laura Rothenberg | 20140704031819 | 1999 | 5134262 | Q6499386 | |||||
LaWanda Page | 20140701193528 | 7867 | 1752991 | Q3206291 | |||||
Lee Lockwood | 20140701193528 | 5424 | 28302434 | Q14946783 | |||||
Leo Kirch | 20140622023048 | 6279 | 10345472 | Q62662 | |||||
Leo McKern | 20140703144331 | 15472 | 68726 | Q1344237 | |||||
Leon Stover | 20140701193528 | 5557 | 8188180 | Q15130709 | |||||
Leonard McEwan | 20140629105353 | 7411 | 15563130 | Q6525554 | |||||
Leslie Compton | 20140701150955 | 10062 | 1902389 | Q2601072 | |||||
Lewis Nixon (United States Army officer) | 20140701150955 | 13066 | 2833919 | Q1324097 | |||||
Lidiya Ivanova (journalist) | 20140704031819 | 1185 | 14459364 | Q4196418 | |||||
LifeScan | 20140704031819 | 1436 | 9053987 | Q6544627 | |||||
Lifestyle causes of diabetes mellitus type 2 | 20140617213938 | 11532 | 34284475 | Q6545500 | |||||
Linda Goodman | 20140701193528 | 7543 | 4131829 | Q4261927 | |||||
Linda Jones | 20140701193528 | 5443 | 13547730 | Q1679683 | |||||
Lipoatrophic diabetes | 20140704031819 | 1581 | 6060796 | Q6556681 | |||||
Lipotoxicity | 20140617220130 | 9686 | 33424683 | Q6556772 | |||||
Liraglutide | 20140701150955 | 10382 | 15809706 | Q2526479 | |||||
List of causes of hypoglycemia | 20140611035035 | 20487 | 28997327 | Q17162752 | |||||
List of cystic fibrosis organizations | 20140530234532 | 8157 | 14342024 | Q6615445 | |||||
List of films featuring diabetes | 20140627121422 | 13548 | 37128742 | Q6620006 | |||||
List of people diagnosed with cystic fibrosis | 20140630061050 | 9643 | 5164676 | Q6632175 | |||||
List of sportspeople with diabetes | 20140630061050 | 12644 | 32575341 | Q6640424 | |||||
Lixisenatide | 20140704031819 | 7801 | 28932220 | Q6659956 | |||||
Lloyd Best | 20140701193528 | 3139 | 10166892 | Q6662274 | |||||
Louis Lansana Beavogui | 20140701150955 | 4712 | 2205697 | Q718245 | |||||
Low-carbohydrate diet | 20140703102724 | 87720 | 459560 | Q1570280 | |||||
Low-glycemic diet | 20140620232604 | 5190 | 10075591 | Q1532559 | |||||
Lucio Fulci | 20140701193528 | 34833 | 370094 | Q345217 | |||||
Lumacaftor | 20140704031819 | 3190 | 33617496 | Q6703005 | |||||
Mabel King | 20140703144331 | 7640 | 1097324 | Q3273772 | |||||
Mahalia Jackson | 20140701193528 | 36902 | 166519 | Q206466 | |||||
Manos Hatzidakis | 20140701193528 | 9843 | 155026 | Q447433 | |||||
Marcel Achard | 20140701193528 | 9799 | 18997 | Q314990 | |||||
Margo Cohen | 20140701150955 | 12423 | 42248894 | Q16728128 | |||||
Marianne Kiefer | 20140704031819 | 1486 | 15046715 | Q71723 | |||||
Mário Juruna | 20140622030815 | 3026 | 24752376 | Q1797143 | |||||
Martín Karadagian | 20140704031819 | 4133 | 10042326 | Q5645998 | |||||
Marvin Isley | 20140701193528 | 5279 | 1990562 | Q5824704 | |||||
Marvin Santiago | 20140701193528 | 29848 | 1046589 | Q633155 | |||||
Mary Ford | 20140701193528 | 23075 | 540027 | Q448704 | |||||
Mary Tileston Hemenway | 20140701193528 | 6499 | 38268268 | Q6780836 | |||||
Matthew Ashman | 20140701150955 | 4453 | 13101053 | Q976573 | |||||
Mattie Moss Clark | 20140701193528 | 16756 | 5833870 | Q6791817 | |||||
Matty Alou | 20140703232247 | 8906 | 937916 | Q3133102 | |||||
Matus Bisnovat | 20140625105238 | 3188 | 19413609 | Q722923 | |||||
Mau Piailug | 20140701193528 | 55336 | 3017524 | Q6792168 | |||||
Maude Storey | 20140622034211 | 3351 | 23000883 | Q6792314 | |||||
Meatatarian | 20140704031819 | 4980 | 20034065 | Q16951141 | |||||
Medical research related to low-carbohydrate diets | 20140630061050 | 58594 | 8095528 | Q6806591 | |||||
Medifast | 20140701150955 | 3313 | 10075454 | Q6806861 | |||||
Metahexamide | 20140704031819 | 1955 | 23293636 | Q6553356 | |||||
Michael France | 20140701193528 | 6576 | 5244312 | Q1658604 | |||||
Michael Jackson (writer) | 20140701150955 | 14098 | 294799 | Q167877 | |||||
Michael Vale | 20140622030524 | 3434 | 3548453 | Q1559903 | |||||
Mike Parobeck | 20140703204345 | 4007 | 3990655 | Q6848319 | |||||
Mikhail Chigorin | 20140701193528 | 11958 | 496403 | Q298286 | |||||
Mikhail Pugovkin | 20140704031819 | 3530 | 6417478 | Q730275 | |||||
Mildred Bailey | 20140701193528 | 11091 | 285275 | Q257389 | |||||
Minimed Paradigm | 20140611043721 | 20882 | 23656120 | Q17162826 | |||||
Minkowski Prize | 20140606142448 | 3149 | 6703481 | Q6867862 | |||||
Mitiglinide | 20140701150955 | 2775 | 7873418 | Q266321 | |||||
Mobile diabetes screening initiative | 20140616094355 | 1143 | 23083122 | Q6887100 | |||||
MODY 1 | 20140704031819 | 2643 | 22575013 | Q6717000 | |||||
MODY 2 | 20140702032158 | 3814 | 22575029 | Q6717002 | |||||
MODY 3 | 20140704031819 | 3038 | 22575057 | Q6717003 | |||||
MODY 4 | 20140704031819 | 1224 | 22575072 | Q6717005 | |||||
MODY 5 | 20140704031819 | 3306 | 22575081 | Q6717006 | |||||
MODY 6 | 20140704031819 | 1652 | 23754199 | Q6717008 | |||||
Mohamed Ygerbuchen | 20140703111435 | 5961 | 39171045 | Q3319096 | |||||
Montignac diet | 20140616070728 | 8622 | 5564995 | Q1930225 | |||||
Moroxydine | 20140704031819 | 2166 | 23293337 | Q781304 | |||||
Morris W. Turner | 20140623164000 | 6434 | 17789449 | Q6913938 | |||||
Mose Vinson | 20140701193528 | 8214 | 29191520 | Q6915582 | |||||
Mr. Hito | 20140701150955 | 12689 | 8189232 | Q11342044 | |||||
Muscle atrophy | 20140702032158 | 11495 | 5308641 | Q1557686 | |||||
NACFC | 20140704031819 | 623 | 12694904 | Q16909758 | |||||
Nancy Kelly | 20140701193528 | 8747 | 190431 | Q251634 | |||||
Nancy Parsons | 20140701193528 | 2730 | 2109172 | Q273056 | |||||
Nat Adderley | 20140701193528 | 24133 | 782487 | Q499649 | |||||
Nateglinide | 20140701150955 | 3272 | 5426410 | Q2254797 | |||||
Nathan Bedford Forrest | 20140703141717 | 73295 | 49597 | Q366102 | |||||
Nathan Leopold | 20140623161008 | 672 | 233535 | ||||||
Neck of pancreas | 20140704031819 | 1210 | 6937994 | Q6985533 | |||||
Nell Carter | 20140703144331 | 17198 | 173519 | Q271840 | |||||
Nelly Sindayen | 20140629104719 | 2648 | 22300850 | Q2225066 | |||||
Neonatal diabetes mellitus | 20140624022012 | 3806 | 23754109 | Q2898645 | |||||
Netoglitazone | 20140701150955 | 1391 | 26920056 | Q6999822 | |||||
Network for Pancreatic Organ Donors with Diabetes | 20140701150955 | 13261 | 29520587 | Q7001029 | |||||
Nguyễn Hữu Có | 20140701150955 | 22906 | 13689047 | Q7022852 | |||||
Nguyễn Khánh | 20140701193528 | 76667 | 80093 | Q504362 | |||||
Nicholas Mayall | 20140701193528 | 54032 | 24330006 | Q2659211 | |||||
Nikolai Drozdetsky | 20140701150955 | 4034 | 5751905 | Q1991074 | |||||
No-carbohydrate diet | 20140625004852 | 12528 | 12534814 | Q4338223 | |||||
Noninvasive glucose monitor | 20140626095006 | 2668 | 11730865 | Q7049439 | |||||
Nonna Mordyukova | 20140701193528 | 10133 | 6417968 | Q242138 | |||||
Nopal | 20140630183808 | 8228 | 418228 | Q3367716 | |||||
Nopalito | 20140704031819 | 1024 | 30861568 | Q7049965 | |||||
Norman Whitfield | 20140704015042 | 13721 | 1223344 | Q1386948 | |||||
NPH insulin | 20140606142448 | 4347 | 3014061 | Q1929845 | |||||
Nuri Demirağ | 20140704031819 | 2271 | 3589495 | Q372862 | |||||
Ode Burrell | 20140704031819 | 3461 | 5852851 | Q7077567 | |||||
Ofelia Fox | 20140701193528 | 3273 | 3685735 | Q7078851 | |||||
Olave Baden-Powell | 20140701193528 | 16511 | 265354 | Q231525 | |||||
Olga de Alaketu | 20140704031819 | 4237 | 2814293 | Q7086718 | |||||
Oliver Lynn | 20140622034354 | 7087 | 12921511 | Q7087675 | |||||
Omental eminence of pancreas | 20140704031819 | 1132 | 6938645 | Q7090077 | |||||
Omnipod Insulin Management System | 20140626165257 | 18683 | 40806050 | Q17157358 | |||||
OneTouch Ultra | 20140626113901 | 3116 | 1847349 | Q17092201 | |||||
Oral glucose gel | 20140704031819 | 2053 | 12746300 | Q7099390 | |||||
Orson Pratt | 20140701193528 | 22585 | 1038181 | Q2482954 | |||||
Oscar Obligacion | 20140701150955 | 2178 | 3431397 | Q2588431 | |||||
Outline of diabetes | 20140625031152 | 6350 | 31459228 | Q7112608 | |||||
Oxyhyperglycemia | 20140619190204 | 6874 | 35605363 | Q7115981 | |||||
Pacific Northwest Diabetes Research Institute | 20140606142448 | 2927 | 10847143 | Q7122580 | |||||
Pál Reizer | 20140622030158 | 1895 | 35779339 | Q1247174 | |||||
PANACREAS | 20140618232708 | 5463 | 35634126 | Q7118156 | |||||
Pancreatic abscess | 20140702032158 | 5708 | 27505035 | Q7130401 | |||||
Pancreatic disease | 20140702032158 | 6112 | 5323147 | Q7130407 | |||||
Pancreatic duct | 20140704031819 | 3236 | 2166035 | Q668063 | |||||
Pancreatic fistula | 20140702032158 | 6119 | 2755466 | Q7130409 | |||||
Pancreatic mass | 20140619190204 | 6514 | 24594060 | Q7130412 | |||||
Pancreatic mucinous cystadenoma | 20140619190204 | 767 | 41882888 | Q15734064 | |||||
Pancreatic mucinous cystic neoplasm | 20140619190204 | 4291 | 29557924 | Q7130413 | |||||
Pancreatic notch | 20140704031819 | 970 | 6939015 | Q7130415 | |||||
Pancreatic pleural effusion | 20140604174609 | 718 | 36928876 | Q7130416 | |||||
Pancreatic serous cystadenoma | 20140702032158 | 5950 | 28571235 | Q7130420 | |||||
Pancreatic tumor | 20140619190204 | 278 | 41540424 | Q16864685 | |||||
Pascal Photocoagulator | 20140630061050 | 4329 | 13424235 | Q17107802 | |||||
Patriarch Constantine V of Constantinople | 20140704031819 | 1686 | 4734703 | Q2369623 | |||||
Patricia Smith (actress) | 20140704031819 | 4102 | 17708250 | Q7145844 | |||||
Paul di Sant’Agnese | 20140616094355 | 1486 | 38370801 | Q7154589 | |||||
Paul Freeman (cryptozoologist) | 20140701150955 | 2571 | 3947971 | Q7150738 | |||||
Paul Ngei | 20140701193528 | 5405 | 3924540 | Q3898130 | |||||
Paul Pena | 20140701193528 | 13252 | 838161 | Q1354341 | |||||
Paul Weyrich | 20140703082015 | 32645 | 1608739 | Q7154324 | |||||
Pauline of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus | 20140701150955 | 10419 | 7381740 | Q289346 | |||||
Peggy Lee | 20140701193528 | 40165 | 25147 | Q229139 | |||||
Permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus | 20140702032158 | 3949 | 22575268 | Q17143640 | |||||
Phenformin | 20140701150955 | 10225 | 8398140 | Q753100 | |||||
Pipeline to a cure | 20140616094355 | 1865 | 32802540 | Q7197281 | |||||
Pixie Williams | 20140704031819 | 4434 | 40165647 | Q14505195 | |||||
Polyaminopropyl biguanide | 20140701150955 | 4443 | 12420975 | Q7226132 | |||||
Polyhexanide | 20140704031819 | 2708 | 16278208 | Q408205 | |||||
Polyol pathway | 20140606142448 | 5157 | 4645095 | Q7226667 | |||||
Portal-visceral hypothesis | 20140704031819 | 934 | 24867818 | Q7231468 | |||||
Postprandial glucose test | 20140619190204 | 3443 | 16975640 | Q7234486 | |||||
Pramlintide | 20140701150955 | 5974 | 2698612 | Q2062094 | |||||
Pramoedya Ananta Toer | 20140704074518 | 16957 | 911838 | Q326935 | |||||
Prediabetes | 20140702081412 | 15290 | 13226296 | Q2087205 | |||||
Preproinsulin | 20140606142448 | 1725 | 13942671 | Q7240673 | |||||
Prevention of diabetes mellitus type 2 | 20140521203940 | 8437 | 30170877 | Q7242392 | |||||
Proguanil | 20140701150955 | 5497 | 1899486 | Q420607 | |||||
Proximal diabetic neuropathy | 20140702032158 | 8118 | 4005432 | Q7252852 | |||||
Pulsatile insulin | 20140624022012 | 5850 | 5924517 | Q7259621 | |||||
Quantitative insulin sensitivity check index | 20140704031819 | 1311 | 3736533 | Q7268928 | |||||
Rafael Arnáiz Barón | 20140703195356 | 5747 | 24589842 | Q639347 | |||||
Rafael López Gutiérrez | 20140704031819 | 1404 | 1641299 | Q178575 | |||||
Ralph Anderson (American football) | 20140702142605 | 3100 | 5196016 | Q5553400 | |||||
Random glucose test | 20140704031819 | 1310 | 11276762 | Q7291968 | |||||
Randy Turner | 20140629105657 | 4114 | 4017834 | Q7292481 | |||||
Raúl 'Chato' Padilla | 20140704031819 | 2375 | 4118225 | Q3124795 | |||||
Raul Seixas | 20140701193528 | 17720 | 981441 | Q1392583 | |||||
Ray Gravell | 20140701193528 | 12354 | 2730201 | Q3404909 | |||||
Ray Osrin | 20140701193528 | 5470 | 12896365 | Q7297919 | |||||
Reactive hypoglycemia | 20140702032158 | 9330 | 1834334 | Q1408148 | |||||
Remogliflozin etabonate | 20140704031819 | 2911 | 18775455 | Q7312052 | |||||
Repaglinide | 20140701150955 | 8286 | 3776525 | Q2195995 | |||||
Richard Jewell | 20140703123209 | 17516 | 1714881 | Q2149888 | |||||
Richard K. Bernstein | 20140606142448 | 8801 | 8710101 | Q7326964 | |||||
Rick James | 20140703115903 | 28051 | 408259 | Q248207 | |||||
Rick Joseph | 20140704031819 | 2896 | 30780363 | Q7331499 | |||||
Ricky Romero (wrestler) | 20140701150955 | 5903 | 7959602 | Q7332180 | |||||
Rigo Tovar | 20140701193528 | 8500 | 1668428 | Q430216 | |||||
Rivoglitazone | 20140704031819 | 2838 | 16296403 | Q7338968 | |||||
Robert Atkins (nutritionist) | 20140701193528 | 17968 | 209433 | Q638020 | |||||
Robert Gordon Teather | 20140701193528 | 7102 | 2751413 | Q7344871 | |||||
Roberto María Ortiz | 20140704031819 | 3443 | 717754 | Q365369 | |||||
Rocco Petrone | 20140701193528 | 9531 | 6875981 | Q328110 | |||||
Rodolfo de Anda | 20140701193528 | 2293 | 23363777 | Q456674 | |||||
Ron Santo | 20140703181210 | 42464 | 292698 | Q934446 | |||||
Ronald DeWolf | 20140701193528 | 7887 | 3461614 | Q7364795 | |||||
Rory Calhoun | 20140701193528 | 15104 | 1565470 | Q1971737 | |||||
Rose Wilder Lane | 20140701193528 | 35947 | 195726 | Q438558 | |||||
Rosemary Lane (actress) | 20140515005243 | 443 | 32590718 | ||||||
Rosetta LeNoire | 20140701193528 | 5450 | 1572659 | Q536612 | |||||
Rothesay Stuart Wortley | 20140704031819 | 4255 | 24777366 | Q7370470 | |||||
Roy Brocksmith | 20140701193528 | 4559 | 3448598 | Q3445751 | |||||
Rudy Ray Moore | 20140701193528 | 12692 | 1440432 | Q2174572 | |||||
Salvador Araneta | 20140701193528 | 2650 | 12916062 | Q2126461 | |||||
Salvatore Scarpitta | 20140701193528 | 5864 | 10730427 | Q7406692 | |||||
Sanders Anne Laubenthal | 20140701193528 | 3290 | 3404984 | Q7416134 | |||||
Sarah Mae Flemming | 20140701150955 | 6077 | 24338026 | Q7422557 | |||||
Sarah Murnaghan lung transplant controversy | 20140606142448 | 15257 | 40412037 | Q17110398 | |||||
Saxagliptin | 20140701150955 | 18635 | 7526977 | Q3121121 | |||||
Scott Mateer | 20140629105818 | 5312 | 8507506 | Q7436777 | |||||
Sein Hlaing | 20140701150955 | 4841 | 17144667 | Q3181576 | |||||
Sejong the Great | 20140701150955 | 26146 | 159204 | Q37682 | |||||
Serge Aubry | 20140704031819 | 2553 | 10990819 | Q3479178 | |||||
Sergei Diaghilev | 20140704082058 | 17458 | 28607 | Q211513 | |||||
Sergliflozin etabonate | 20140704031819 | 3845 | 18775441 | Q7454518 | |||||
Shel Dorf | 20140703204345 | 8744 | 24965271 | Q3481777 | |||||
Shirataki noodles | 20140701150955 | 4369 | 7249453 | Q2279318 | |||||
Shirley Horn | 20140701193528 | 12294 | 2968427 | Q270893 | |||||
Shunsuke Ikeda | 20140701150955 | 4365 | 27698187 | Q4216289 | |||||
Shwachman–Diamond syndrome | 20140702032158 | 14824 | 25715899 | Q1970052 | |||||
Sick: The Life and Death of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist | 20140701150955 | 4422 | 1713997 | Q195809 | |||||
Sihung Lung | 20140701193528 | 4406 | 16678244 | Q716792 | |||||
Silas W. Lamoreux | 20140701150955 | 3584 | 37162126 | Q7514238 | |||||
Simon Muzenda | 20140703144331 | 9154 | 334456 | Q2287723 | |||||
Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days | 20140701150955 | 4737 | 35250799 | Q7521016 | |||||
Six Until Me | 20140521203940 | 3218 | 28875788 | Q7532908 | |||||
Skip Young (actor) | 20140701193528 | 5817 | 22044601 | Q7535747 | |||||
Slone's disease | 20140616094355 | 1761 | 10266410 | Q17117306 | |||||
Slow-Carb Diet | 20140629121547 | 5599 | 36803936 | Q7541936 | |||||
Smith Hempstone | 20140701210926 | 9637 | 1123950 | Q7545167 | |||||
Soko Richardson | 20140701193528 | 6429 | 9921965 | Q7555132 | |||||
Son Seals | 20140701193528 | 7819 | 528000 | Q1514682 | |||||
Sorbinil | 20140704031819 | 1860 | 31734604 | Q1259458 | |||||
South Beach Living | 20140619190204 | 970 | 15300955 | Q7566279 | |||||
Spontaneous hypoglycemia | 20140330122652 | 2168 | 26157290 | Q7579058 | |||||
St. Vincent Declaration | 20140521203940 | 8288 | 23689241 | Q4416298 | |||||
Stem cell educator | 20140606142448 | 2732 | 37896490 | Q7607292 | |||||
Steno Diabetes Center | 20140704031819 | 660 | 20291566 | Q7607605 | |||||
Steroid diabetes | 20140606142448 | 3359 | 1763989 | Q7611608 | |||||
Stillman diet | 20140704031819 | 2574 | 10923101 | Q7617260 | |||||
Stress hyperglycemia | 20140629083154 | 6733 | 1764060 | Q7623441 | |||||
Stu Calver | 20140704031819 | 762 | 18378044 | Q7626141 | |||||
Stu Hart | 20140702123241 | 10336 | 351953 | Q707440 | |||||
Sugar Busters! | 20140704031819 | 2069 | 2410252 | Q7634768 | |||||
Sugar crash | 20140704031819 | 826 | 4801122 | Q7634941 | |||||
Sugar Ray Robinson | 20140704052559 | 110987 | 146195 | Q316706 | |||||
Superdance | 20140521203940 | 3374 | 9902591 | Q7643242 | |||||
Suzy Parker | 20140703144331 | 17940 | 321205 | Q448282 | |||||
Suzzanna | 20140704031819 | 3082 | 3397147 | Q1755541 | |||||
Sweat test | 20140702082028 | 6422 | 3056440 | Q1528100 | |||||
Syd Barrett | 20140704005925 | 80994 | 4740559 | Q173061 | |||||
Sydney Greenstreet | 20140703225157 | 10719 | 244829 | Q656507 | |||||
Sydney Lassick | 20140701193528 | 5925 | 2063879 | Q2093340 | |||||
Tab Thacker | 20140701150955 | 3152 | 14959207 | Q971344 | |||||
Tail of pancreas | 20140704031819 | 2145 | 4403808 | Q7676079 | |||||
Taking Control of your Diabetes | 20140703111435 | 6065 | 28951386 | Q7678331 | |||||
Taspoglutide | 20140704031819 | 4351 | 21066639 | Q7687607 | |||||
Team Novo Nordisk | 20140628151436 | 15305 | 26906882 | Q400394 | |||||
Ted Joans | 20140703063605 | 11839 | 303971 | Q719766 | |||||
Teneligliptin | 20140704031819 | 2849 | 40958196 | Q15269678 | |||||
Tess Gardella | 20140704031819 | 4357 | 11363242 | Q7705565 | |||||
Tessa's Troopers | 20140704031819 | 700 | 41735136 | Q16918183 | |||||
Teuku Nyak Arif | 20140701150955 | 12119 | 34374179 | Q3958199 | |||||
The Diabetes Duo: Captain Glucose and Meter Boy | 20140527090802 | 3324 | 29543649 | Q7730050 | |||||
The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young | 20140521203940 | 6913 | 8636732 | Q7732325 | |||||
Thomas Crean | 20140701150955 | 17342 | 1218152 | Q3530701 | |||||
Thomas F. Grady | 20140622034748 | 5516 | 37646458 | Q7789451 | |||||
Thrifty gene hypothesis | 20140521203940 | 18547 | 6687077 | Q3759725 | |||||
Thrifty phenotype | 20140521203940 | 6507 | 1740374 | Q7798143 | |||||
Tofogliflozin | 20140704031819 | 3365 | 38896843 | Q15410175 | |||||
Tolazamide | 20140704031819 | 2640 | 3551005 | Q7814101 | |||||
Tom Ebersold | 20140622072955 | 5355 | 38586081 | Q7815695 | |||||
Tomaso Albinoni | 20140701193528 | 8342 | 31040 | Q174606 | |||||
Tommy Olivencia | 20140701193528 | 5602 | 3046043 | Q517986 | |||||
Torasemide | 20140704031819 | 3148 | 4498606 | Q419948 | |||||
Transepithelial potential difference | 20140616094355 | 2027 | 26612410 | Q17122952 | |||||
Transient neonatal diabetes mellitus | 20140704031819 | 2448 | 22575342 | Q7834286 | |||||
Troglitazone | 20140704013705 | 13859 | 597793 | Q7844989 | |||||
Tunku Abdul Rahman (Tunku Mahkota of Johor) | 20140629105937 | 5795 | 21042115 | Q7853252 | |||||
Type 1 Diabetes Association | 20140703111435 | 4295 | 24191084 | Q7860674 | |||||
Ultralente | 20140704031819 | 839 | 34601400 | Q7880550 | |||||
Uncinate process of pancreas | 20140701150955 | 3316 | 6938498 | Q7882660 | |||||
United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study | 20140704031819 | 962 | 16510163 | Q7887948 | |||||
Untethered regimen | 20140521203940 | 5676 | 7835068 | Q7897604 | |||||
Urie Bronfenbrenner | 20140701150955 | 11939 | 2773395 | Q643339 | |||||
V. Mohan | 20140703100818 | 9804 | 39573965 | Q16732745 | |||||
Vernon Dent | 20140701193528 | 8444 | 8245998 | Q7922109 | |||||
Vic Dunlop | 20140704031819 | 2293 | 38421963 | Q7924778 | |||||
Víctor Palomo | 20140704031819 | 3245 | 15130432 | Q2462357 | |||||
Victor Sumulong | 20140629104600 | 6085 | 16603734 | Q1919690 | |||||
Vidal M. Treviño | 20140630061050 | 12699 | 8744271 | Q7927670 | |||||
Viktoria Brezhneva | 20140701150955 | 4833 | 30090556 | Q1106981 | |||||
Vincent Ford | 20140701193528 | 4433 | 943456 | Q766215 | |||||
Vincent Gruppuso | 20140704031819 | 4165 | 15293709 | Q7931831 | |||||
Voglibose | 20140704031819 | 3644 | 8821670 | Q7939403 | |||||
Vyacheslav Nevinny | 20140701150955 | 5863 | 9828070 | Q1841254 | |||||
Walek Dzedzej | 20140622034855 | 8272 | 7603453 | Q7961699 | |||||
Walt Barnes | 20140702142605 | 7278 | 4233478 | Q1744455 | |||||
Walter J. Kavanaugh | 20140622034855 | 4870 | 2924070 | Q7965228 | |||||
Warren Warwick | 20140704031819 | 2741 | 20814275 | Q16886453 | |||||
Waylon Jennings | 20140704001709 | 61119 | 39086 | Q251287 | |||||
Wayne Allwine | 20140701150955 | 5906 | 1131104 | Q334885 | |||||
Wesley Warren, Jr. | 20140622035359 | 18098 | 39728492 | Q16019827 | |||||
Wilbert Tatum | 20140622034930 | 9657 | 21721451 | Q8000115 | |||||
Wilhelm Weintraud | 20140612054601 | 2866 | 35794434 | Q8002344 | |||||
Will "Dub" Jones | 20140701150955 | 5182 | 12505913 | Q326357 | |||||
William Banting | 20140701193528 | 10146 | 518048 | Q1380335 | |||||
William C. Stadie | 20140619075700 | 2831 | 34073759 | Q8006407 | |||||
William F. Buckley, Jr. | 20140701193528 | 72323 | 300279 | Q378098 | |||||
William R. Travers | 20140701193528 | 4988 | 10457538 | Q8017299 | |||||
Wolcott–Rallison syndrome | 20140704031819 | 1889 | 21984198 | Q8029730 | |||||
Yao Wenyuan | 20140701150955 | 4594 | 157741 | Q382645 | |||||
Yen Ngoc Do | 20140702165333 | 12525 | 1369558 | Q8052190 | |||||
Yunus Parvez | 20140704031819 | 3177 | 9485196 | Q1965038 | |||||
Zein Isa | 20140621130206 | 223 | 10284531 | ||||||
Zil-e-Huma | 20140624043041 | 3278 | 5803019 | Q8071909 | |||||
Zollinger–Ellison syndrome | 20140702032158 | 6032 | 357810 | Q218712 | |||||
Zone diet | 20140606142448 | 8523 | 437978 | Q666372 | |||||
Zoogz Rift | 20140701193528 | 7610 | 7549331 | Q220158 | |||||
ΔF508 | 20140521203940 | 5725 | 2447734 | Q423990 |
Neue Results, 27.1.2015
Title | Namespace | Last change | Size | Page ID |
Antidiabetikum | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 4961 | 74654 |
Bauchspeicheldrüse | (Article) | 20150126201759 | 67763 | 932463 |
Diabetologie | (Article) | 20150126032006 | 6823 | 124769 |
Diabetes mellitus | (Article) | 20150126093716 | 119971 | 71414 |
Acarbose | (Article) | 20150127202009 | 4341 | 338608 |
Aleuronat | (Article) | 20141130051607 | 842 | 1775028 |
American Diabetes Association | (Article) | 20140814181627 | 1986 | 7781688 |
Amylin | (Article) | 20150117104054 | 4042 | 2777028 |
Arhalofenat | (Article) | 20150127202009 | 3666 | 5537282 |
Arteria gastroduodenalis | (Article) | 20150113225255 | 1010 | 4038853 |
Arteria hepatica communis | (Article) | 20150113225255 | 1360 | 3121494 |
Arteria pancreatica dorsalis | (Article) | 20141129234304 | 1086 | 4109479 |
Arteria pancreatica magna | (Article) | 20150113225432 | 947 | 4088564 |
Arteria pancreaticoduodenalis inferior | (Article) | 20150113225505 | 1086 | 4035238 |
Arteria pancreaticoduodenalis superior | (Article) | 20150113225536 | 1491 | 4038285 |
Frederick Banting | (Article) | 20150126101329 | 8936 | 138508 |
Banting-Medaille | (Article) | 20140816142725 | 4370 | 8316029 |
Basalrate | (Article) | 20141202225123 | 1697 | 5815044 |
Basis-Bolus-Therapie | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 2804 | 51709 |
BB-Ratte | (Article) | 20141202200444 | 3621 | 6236226 |
BE-Faktor | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 3029 | 75854 |
Benfluorex | (Article) | 20150127202009 | 10103 | 6570235 |
Charles Best | (Article) | 20150120000008 | 2925 | 518873 |
Betatrophin | (Article) | 20150124000756 | 2676 | 7841962 |
Jürgen Beyer (Internist) | (Article) | 20150113111206 | 2965 | 4644238 |
Horst Bibergeil | (Article) | 20150125134556 | 5156 | 1456832 |
Biguanid | (Article) | 20141123182358 | 6346 | 1105567 |
Matthias Blüher | (Article) | 20141211082947 | 4864 | 7940613 |
Blutglukose-Wahrnehmungstraining | (Article) | 20150124000756 | 4353 | 8394403 |
Blutzucker | (Article) | 20150125161443 | 20855 | 44491 |
Blutzucker-Sensorsystem | (Article) | 20141006204758 | 4523 | 193048 |
Blutzuckermessgerät | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 26171 | 3449037 |
Stefan R. Bornstein | (Article) | 20141108192012 | 9366 | 8254776 |
Gian Franco Bottazzo | (Article) | 20141203192118 | 2020 | 6107460 |
Apollinaire Bouchardat | (Article) | 20141112081320 | 6927 | 4240867 |
Brockmann-Körper | (Article) | 20150101210118 | 4353 | 3416004 |
Broteinheit | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 9589 | 51643 |
Canagliflozin | (Article) | 20150127202009 | 7564 | 8471074 |
Caniner Diabetes mellitus | (Article) | 20150124000756 | 21194 | 1664056 |
Carbutamid | (Article) | 20150127202009 | 4274 | 8229043 |
Charcot-Fuß | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 8031 | 2479471 |
Chlorpropamid | (Article) | 20150127202009 | 3915 | 6253881 |
Cholecystokinin | (Article) | 20150117104054 | 5884 | 294442 |
Chymotrypsin B | (Article) | 20150117104054 | 5290 | 298170 |
Colipase | (Article) | 20141210231407 | 1156 | 8394350 |
C-Peptid | (Article) | 20150125161443 | 5844 | 74684 |
Dapagliflozin | (Article) | 20150127202009 | 10283 | 5647340 |
Dawn-Phänomen | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 3803 | 3517571 |
Deutsche Diabetes-Gesellschaft | (Article) | 20141210191210 | 1987 | 877774 |
Deutsche Diabetes-Hilfe – Menschen mit Diabetes | (Article) | 20150127105447 | 7795 | 7235823 |
Deutsche Diabetes-Stiftung | (Article) | 20140514213645 | 4046 | 609069 |
Deutscher Diabetiker Bund | (Article) | 20141020114805 | 5299 | 424967 |
Dextrose-Äquivalent | (Article) | 20141023084828 | 2519 | 1516889 |
Weltdiabetestag | (Article) | 20150117105942 | 8354 | 3057895 |
Diabetes (Fachzeitschrift) | (Article) | 20140917060043 | 1961 | 7795377 |
Diabetes Care | (Article) | 20140824143659 | 1993 | 7795366 |
Diabetes-Management-Software | (Article) | 20141201020031 | 6897 | 5291438 |
Deutsches Diabetes-Zentrum | (Article) | 20141031124331 | 7587 | 4279860 |
Deutsches Zentrum für Diabetesforschung | (Article) | 20141210191352 | 3563 | 5950579 |
Diabetesberater DDG | (Article) | 20140126173240 | 4207 | 8028338 |
DiabetesDE – Deutsche Diabetes-Hilfe | (Article) | 20140926072813 | 6806 | 5537345 |
Diabetikerwarnhund | (Article) | 20141219023225 | 2290 | 4574726 |
Diabetische Angiopathie | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 2621 | 1529797 |
Diabetische Nephropathie | (Article) | 20150125161443 | 29605 | 447576 |
Diabetische Retinopathie | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 19193 | 852542 |
Diabetisches Fußsyndrom | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 14066 | 2535368 |
Diabetisches Koma | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 5824 | 109505 |
Diabetologia | (Article) | 20140824144552 | 2042 | 7793851 |
Peter Dieterle | (Article) | 20150120071930 | 3485 | 7502186 |
Manfred Dreyer | (Article) | 20150117104054 | 4623 | 5716508 |
Ductus pancreaticus | (Article) | 20150113221928 | 2924 | 2552128 |
Ductus pancreaticus accessorius | (Article) | 20150113222444 | 2580 | 8314247 |
George Eisenbarth | (Article) | 20150101210118 | 9465 | 7780193 |
Embryofetopathia diabetica | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 3157 | 2403599 |
Error-Grid-Analyse | (Article) | 20141201105343 | 2339 | 3822905 |
European Association for the Study of Diabetes | (Article) | 20141210191529 | 1529 | 5669563 |
Exenatid | (Article) | 20150124000756 | 8391 | 1319268 |
Exokrine Pankreasinsuffizienz | (Article) | 20150124000756 | 9308 | 2020294 |
Peter Fasching | (Article) | 20141122033314 | 1808 | 6575804 |
Feliner Diabetes mellitus | (Article) | 20141227113706 | 7081 | 660551 |
Ferdinand-Bertram-Preis | (Article) | 20141028105004 | 3550 | 3712096 |
Forkhead-Box-Protein A2 | (Article) | 20150125161443 | 25438 | 5249119 |
Fructosamin | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 2490 | 2959937 |
Fructose | (Article) | 20150127202009 | 25033 | 1737 |
Garzer Thesen | (Article) | 20150121171440 | 2912 | 4085480 |
Willy Gepts | (Article) | 20150101210118 | 6322 | 4233985 |
Geschichte der Diabetologie | (Article) | 20150125161443 | 22276 | 2065228 |
Ghrelin | (Article) | 20150125161443 | 8281 | 743463 |
Glibenclamid | (Article) | 20150127202009 | 5097 | 74694 |
Gliclazid | (Article) | 20150127202009 | 3823 | 8447121 |
Glimepirid | (Article) | 20150127202009 | 9093 | 3026817 |
Glinide | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 9570 | 1505369 |
Glucagon | (Article) | 20150117151006 | 8202 | 2033 |
Glucagon-like-peptide 1 | (Article) | 20150125161443 | 4935 | 1963638 |
Glucosurie | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 1557 | 834347 |
Glykämischer Index | (Article) | 20150124000756 | 13518 | 54141 |
Mate Granić | (Article) | 20150121182812 | 3332 | 5272567 |
Hans Christian Hagedorn | (Article) | 20141212193246 | 6006 | 4956001 |
Hans-Peter Hammes | (Article) | 20140929214307 | 4663 | 7983536 |
HbA1c | (Article) | 20150125161443 | 7142 | 661648 |
Hepatokutanes Syndrom | (Article) | 20141226170806 | 4631 | 8432726 |
Hepatopankreas | (Article) | 20150101210118 | 3780 | 3415451 |
Harold Percival Himsworth | (Article) | 20150121054837 | 8369 | 5520794 |
Hyperglykämie | (Article) | 20150125091744 | 31886 | 785469 |
Hyperinsulinismus | (Article) | 20150125233147 | 5025 | 1830947 |
Hypoglycaemia factitia | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 2802 | 3798035 |
Hypoglykämie | (Article) | 20150124000756 | 26702 | 75859 |
Infektiöse Pankreasnekrose | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 2820 | 2816527 |
Inhibitoren der Dipeptidylpeptidase 4 | (Article) | 20150124000756 | 5501 | 2579598 |
Inkretin-Effekt | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 4780 | 1955492 |
Inkretinmimetika | (Article) | 20150125161443 | 6401 | 3052084 |
Inselzelltransplantation | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 35275 | 1670942 |
Insulin | (Article) | 20150125161443 | 29369 | 2406 |
Insulin detemir | (Article) | 20150124000756 | 7079 | 4634661 |
Insulin glargin | (Article) | 20150125161443 | 16549 | 4385577 |
Insulin-Index | (Article) | 20150124000756 | 2167 | 4172024 |
Insulin-Sensitizer | (Article) | 20150124000756 | 7696 | 119008 |
Insulinanalogon | (Article) | 20140711175112 | 582 | 5496005 |
Insulinom | (Article) | 20150124000756 | 7481 | 357773 |
Insulinpräparat | (Article) | 20150124000756 | 44934 | 1868203 |
Insulinpumpe | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 13578 | 165212 |
Insulinresistenz | (Article) | 20150125161443 | 13142 | 82343 |
Insulinrezeptor | (Article) | 20150117104054 | 8792 | 2994922 |
Insulintherapie | (Article) | 20150125161443 | 24823 | 51706 |
Insulitis | (Article) | 20150101210118 | 3953 | 4235554 |
International Diabetes Federation | (Article) | 20140105102503 | 1739 | 3058588 |
Inulin | (Article) | 20150127202009 | 5638 | 151658 |
JDRF | (Article) | 20140907143008 | 2138 | 7788643 |
Elliott P. Joslin | (Article) | 20150125193725 | 6936 | 3709996 |
Kapillarblut | (Article) | 20141001140144 | 2331 | 5454769 |
Gerhardt Katsch | (Article) | 20150125121429 | 31342 | 746445 |
Kontinuierlich messender Glucosesensor | (Article) | 20150111133717 | 27348 | 4691238 |
Künstliche Bauchspeicheldrüse | (Article) | 20150124000756 | 17733 | 5113901 |
Kußmaul-Atmung | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 2364 | 433911 |
LADA | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 14067 | 223394 |
Étienne Lancereaux | (Article) | 20150111184934 | 5332 | 4231266 |
Langerhans-Inseln | (Article) | 20150124000756 | 5582 | 76483 |
Yngve A. A. Larsson | (Article) | 20150125020643 | 1157 | 8229940 |
Philip Medford LeCompte | (Article) | 20150101210118 | 4738 | 4235010 |
Lehrter Modell | (Article) | 20150105165015 | 10051 | 4541444 |
Linagliptin | (Article) | 20150127202009 | 9867 | 4448671 |
Lipohypertrophie | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 874 | 2917636 |
Alfred Lublin | (Article) | 20150125103908 | 7638 | 4087682 |
Bernhard Ludvik | (Article) | 20141118201147 | 6975 | 6074203 |
Lyperosomum intermedium | (Article) | 20141228182952 | 1609 | 8517195 |
Kathrin Mädler | (Article) | 20150117105942 | 3778 | 7588860 |
Makulaödem | (Article) | 20150124000756 | 2185 | 3804953 |
Malum perforans | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 3658 | 5051704 |
Hellmut Mehnert | (Article) | 20150126174030 | 5192 | 5370947 |
Josef von Mering | (Article) | 20150124210615 | 3000 | 1766963 |
Metabolisches Syndrom | (Article) | 20150125161443 | 16303 | 59683 |
Metformin | (Article) | 20150127202009 | 15159 | 120422 |
Miglitol | (Article) | 20150127202009 | 3857 | 3770897 |
MODY | (Article) | 20150124000756 | 9479 | 249541 |
Gerhard Mohnike | (Article) | 20150125103728 | 5059 | 1456620 |
Mönckeberg-Sklerose | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 5442 | 5470618 |
Monofilament | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 1398 | 2886835 |
William Parry Murphy | (Article) | 20150126101329 | 10632 | 237554 |
Nationales Aktionsforum Diabetes mellitus | (Article) | 20141202042747 | 4637 | 3490255 |
Necrobiosis lipoidica | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 1551 | 3868942 |
Nesidioblastose | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 2979 | 3671426 |
Neurogenin3 | (Article) | 20150124000756 | 2108 | 8397905 |
Neuropathie | (Article) | 20150124000756 | 14481 | 439998 |
Nierenschwelle | (Article) | 20150126102227 | 1757 | 1006742 |
Nodi lymphoidei pancreatici | (Article) | 20141102070758 | 1244 | 8396997 |
Nodi lymphoidei pancreaticoduodenales inferiores | (Article) | 20141225143138 | 1389 | 8520728 |
Nodi lymphoidei pancreaticoduodenales superiores | (Article) | 20150119095855 | 1113 | 8517155 |
NOD-Maus | (Article) | 20150101210118 | 3911 | 6237971 |
Nordrhein-Westfälische Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie und Diabetologie | (Article) | 20150124104630 | 1910 | 8553610 |
Novo Nordisk Media Prize | (Article) | 20141231202736 | 2805 | 3031065 |
Oraler Glukosetoleranztest | (Article) | 20150127135531 | 15773 | 272289 |
Lelio Orci | (Article) | 20150106192529 | 1940 | 6107518 |
Pallästhesiometer | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 4961 | 1843146 |
Pancreas anulare | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 4700 | 2725340 |
Pancreas bifidum | (Article) | 20141213154834 | 706 | 8462013 |
Pancreas divisum | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 2058 | 3077223 |
Pankreas-Amylase | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 6351 | 122661 |
Pankreas-Elastase | (Article) | 20150124000756 | 5388 | 5169943 |
Pankreasagenesie | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 1743 | 8396790 |
Pankreasegel | (Article) | 20141024140136 | 1621 | 145794 |
Pankreasenzyme | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 888 | 267105 |
Pankreaslipase | (Article) | 20150125161443 | 7392 | 4361258 |
Pankreaspseudozyste | (Article) | 20131101091310 | 88 | 2680279 |
Pankreasruptur | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 1058 | 1878526 |
Pankreassternzelle | (Article) | 20150124000756 | 2396 | 6155184 |
Pankreastransplantation | (Article) | 20150117105942 | 8729 | 6511326 |
Pankreastumor | (Article) | 20150125161443 | 49873 | 2387088 |
Pankreaszyste | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 4438 | 2680695 |
Pankreatikoskopie | (Article) | 20150122135003 | 1346 | 8561511 |
Pankreatin | (Article) | 20150125161443 | 4136 | 2017376 |
Pankreatisches Hormon | (Article) | 20150117104054 | 4099 | 1698130 |
Pankreatitis | (Article) | 20150125190536 | 25551 | 135948 |
Pankreopriv | (Article) | 20141203022753 | 1119 | 81186 |
Günther Panzram | (Article) | 20141124044656 | 4598 | 5103625 |
Papilla duodeni minor | (Article) | 20141022090746 | 1536 | 5303519 |
Paul-Langerhans-Medaille | (Article) | 20140505154842 | 5592 | 877884 |
Nicolae Paulescu | (Article) | 20150120205416 | 7577 | 1495920 |
Pen (Spritze) | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 3002 | 1745651 |
Achim Peters | (Article) | 20150106161624 | 7659 | 3367992 |
Pioglitazon | (Article) | 20150127202009 | 12998 | 2418962 |
PLI-Test | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 1139 | 3998432 |
Präproinsulin | (Article) | 20130403213347 | 114 | 2178677 |
Proinsulin | (Article) | 20140401123628 | 1395 | 361730 |
Albert Renold | (Article) | 20150106192529 | 2078 | 6107341 |
Michael Ristow | (Article) | 20150106235338 | 6072 | 2761908 |
Rosiglitazon | (Article) | 20150127202009 | 14621 | 2611538 |
Otto Rostoski | (Article) | 20150101181650 | 5304 | 6767888 |
Theodore Ryder | (Article) | 20150101210118 | 6206 | 3297722 |
Helmut Schatz | (Article) | 20150121124313 | 5125 | 3707909 |
Guntram Schernthaner | (Article) | 20141128023023 | 2169 | 6546912 |
Schwangerschaftsdiabetes | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 12278 | 311211 |
Schweizerische Diabetes-Gesellschaft | (Article) | 20150122114801 | 2281 | 5555955 |
Sekretin | (Article) | 20150125161443 | 3490 | 294434 |
SGLT-2-Hemmer | (Article) | 20150124000756 | 6511 | 2852480 |
Sitagliptin | (Article) | 20150127202009 | 12350 | 2351085 |
Zdenko Škrabalo | (Article) | 20150110185542 | 3213 | 8058211 |
Somatostatin | (Article) | 20150125161443 | 5248 | 206192 |
Somatostatinom | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 6829 | 3625633 |
Somogyi-Effekt | (Article) | 20141223105749 | 1438 | 1752776 |
Stechhilfe | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 2877 | 3550298 |
Karl Stolte | (Article) | 20150125120805 | 7406 | 3276872 |
Streptozocin | (Article) | 20150127202009 | 8089 | 2090656 |
Sulfonylharnstoffe | (Article) | 20150124000756 | 8901 | 222801 |
TLI-Test | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 1712 | 2025994 |
Tolbutamid | (Article) | 20150127202009 | 3337 | 552760 |
Topinambur | (Article) | 20150121185901 | 32437 | 5258773 |
Trypsin | (Article) | 20150117104054 | 5397 | 135752 |
Diethelm Tschöpe | (Article) | 20141230144137 | 3901 | 8293146 |
Verbliebene Eigensekretionsrate | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 1225 | 76687 |
Verdauungsenzym | (Article) | 20141216161924 | 3005 | 342257 |
Verner-Morrison-Syndrom | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 3369 | 1684013 |
Vildagliptin | (Article) | 20150127202009 | 14347 | 3008477 |
Waschbären-Pankreasegel | (Article) | 20141203125643 | 2187 | 8397046 |
Priscilla White | (Article) | 20150101210118 | 7264 | 5514038 |
Xylitol | (Article) | 20150127202009 | 19625 | 194639 |
Zentrales Diabetesregister der DDR | (Article) | 20150101210118 | 4613 | 4823267 |
Zentraleuropäische Diabetesgesellschaft | (Article) | 20141114152400 | 3160 | 3712037 |
Zentralinstitut für Diabetes | (Article) | 20150101210118 | 23062 | 1030369 |
Zimt | (Article) | 20150124000756 | 16480 | 12977 |
Hartmut Zühlke | (Article) | 20150125133551 | 3879 | 4281485 |
Georg Ludwig Zülzer | (Article) | 20141231025004 | 3959 | 2307688 |
Bauchspeicheldrüse mit Wartungskategorie, Stand 18.4.15
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- Query was run on 2015-04-18 06:13:56
- Query took 0.0099s
- Query yielded 41 pages
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Root categories
Title | Namespace | Last change | Size | Page ID |
Arhalofenat | (Article) | 20150408115733 | 3667 | 5537282 |
Blutzucker | (Article) | 20150417230431 | 20877 | 44491 |
Blutzuckermessgerät | (Article) | 20150325161111 | 26169 | 3449037 |
Gian Franco Bottazzo | (Article) | 20150404105253 | 2020 | 6107460 |
John Butterfield, Baron Butterfield | (Article) | 20150314154002 | 6171 | 8606592 |
Canagliflozin | (Article) | 20150415222807 | 8306 | 8471074 |
Cholecystokinin | (Article) | 20150323141020 | 5888 | 294442 |
Dapagliflozin | (Article) | 20150331192923 | 10294 | 5647340 |
Deutscher Diabetiker Bund | (Article) | 20150417075818 | 5299 | 424967 |
Diabetesberater DDG | (Article) | 20140126173240 | 4207 | 8028338 |
Exenatid | (Article) | 20150411112209 | 8379 | 1319268 |
Peter Fasching | (Article) | 20150322124521 | 1808 | 6575804 |
Forkhead-Box-Protein A2 | (Article) | 20150407165216 | 25438 | 5249119 |
Fructosamin | (Article) | 20150418050632 | 4705 | 2959937 |
Glimepirid | (Article) | 20150323141237 | 9093 | 3026817 |
Glucagon-like-peptide 1 | (Article) | 20150407165216 | 4935 | 1963638 |
Insulin detemir | (Article) | 20150410213300 | 7079 | 4634661 |
Insulin glargin | (Article) | 20150407165216 | 16608 | 4385577 |
Insulinanalogon | (Article) | 20150410153654 | 582 | 5496005 |
Insulinrezeptor | (Article) | 20150410113405 | 8792 | 2994922 |
Insulintherapie | (Article) | 20150411170029 | 25309 | 51706 |
Yngve A. A. Larsson | (Article) | 20150409112148 | 1157 | 8229940 |
Lehrter Modell | (Article) | 20150228152940 | 10051 | 4541444 |
Linagliptin | (Article) | 20150315151729 | 9867 | 4448671 |
Bernhard Ludvik | (Article) | 20150401212427 | 7021 | 6074203 |
Miglitol | (Article) | 20150323203746 | 3857 | 3770897 |
William Parry Murphy | (Article) | 20150409104559 | 10632 | 237554 |
Pallästhesiometer | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 4961 | 1843146 |
Pankreas-Amylase | (Article) | 20150409141650 | 6351 | 122661 |
Pankreas-Elastase | (Article) | 20150315105044 | 5388 | 5169943 |
Pankreaslipase | (Article) | 20150407165216 | 7392 | 4361258 |
Pioglitazon | (Article) | 20150415093701 | 12998 | 2418962 |
Rosiglitazon | (Article) | 20150331190525 | 14590 | 2611538 |
Guntram Schernthaner | (Article) | 20150406092559 | 2169 | 6546912 |
Jan Schulze | (Article) | 20150406111308 | 4962 | 8609656 |
Sekretin | (Article) | 20150407165216 | 3490 | 294434 |
Sitagliptin | (Article) | 20150311162425 | 12354 | 2351085 |
Stechhilfe | (Article) | 20150121121114 | 2877 | 3550298 |
Trypsin | (Article) | 20150315105044 | 5429 | 135752 |
Vildagliptin | (Article) | 20150225141653 | 14816 | 3008477 |
Zentraleuropäische Diabetesgesellschaft | (Article) | 20141114152400 | 3160 | 3712037 |